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kk, it's game time. We're all going to see who has the most original name in FP. How you ask? Piece o' Cake I say.


Go to HERE. Type your character's name in the name field, leave the rest of the fields as is, and hit search. It will bring up a list of all the characters with that name on all the servers including the EU.


Quote the results and a link the results url here. I'll give 10g to the toon with the most original name in the guild one week from today. And no, you cant go make an alt or use a stupid alt with the name "ljkasdhfopiaef". Just use your main characters name please. If more than one person are completely original then I'll do a roll to decide the winner. Sorry, but I already know there are at least a few originals.



Here's mine. There are 6 other Hykos' out there in the world :-\



Character Results  


Hykos  - Night Elf Hunter 53 Cenarion Circle  

Hykos  - Night Elf Druid          42 EU-Zenedar  

Hykos  - Orc          Shaman 60 EU-Zenedar  

Hykos  - Human Rogue 30 Kilrogg  

Hykos - Dwarf Warrior 9 Ner'zhul  

Hykos  - Night Elf Druid          60 Skullcrusher  

Hykos - Night Elf Hunter 2 Terenas

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Only two Stangmeisters! And they are both mine! /original


Stangmeister Tauren Druid 4 Deathwing

Stangmeister Night Elf Priest 60 Skullcrusher

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well this is just creepy...



Arafelz Night Elf Druid 24 EU-Skullcrusher

Arafelz Night Elf Druid 60 Skullcrusher


must be a mistake because that arafelz is in twilight children (solace) unless maybe i went through some portal in game and created a bizzaro felz.

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Only Joesf's are me!


Character Results  


Joesf Unknown Mage 20 Icecrown  

Joesf Tauren Hunter 11 Sargeras  

Joesf Human Warrior 60 Skullcrusher  


The mage is Undead.

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There are over 100 people with my name.


I may not be unique but I am the one that got the name on this server.

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there are alot of mine hehe but somehow there are multiple versions of me on the same server... maybe they rerolled with same name i duno

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Lots of erlin's! =/


but only one me

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Wow. Which one am I??


Gynis Night Elf Hunter 26 Silver Hand

Gynis Night Elf Druid 60 Skullcrusher

Gynis Gnome Mage 15 Warsong

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Character Results


Heliacon Human Paladin 49 EU-Skullcrusher

Heliacon Human Paladin 60 Skullcrusher


I got the same thing as Felz! There's a Bizarro Heliacon from my pre-FP days!


But, besides the other me, there's only one Heliacon biggrin.gif

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Siegeman Tauren Shaman 11 Bonechewer

Siegeman Gnome Mage 4 Bronzebeard

Siegeman Undead Rogue 18 Burning Blade

Siegeman Night Elf Hunter 60 Burning Legion

Siegeman Troll Hunter 8 Firetree

Siegeman Human Paladin 60 Skullcrusher


All of them are mine except the NE hunter... I think I talked to him a few months ago, and he was in my Planetside clan or something back in the day.


Originality which breeds imitation FTW /flex

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Character Results


Skee Orc Shaman 19 Arthas

Skee Gnome Mage 4 Azjol-Nerub

Skee Undead Rogue 60 Azshara

Skee Night Elf Hunter 15 Blackrock

Skee Tauren Shaman 12 Bleeding Hollow

Skee Orc Warrior 60 Bloodscalp

Skee Gnome Rogue 9 Bonechewer

Skee Night Elf Rogue 3 Bronzebeard

Skee Human Paladin 13 Cenarion Circle

Skee Human Warlock 1 Chromaggus

Skee Dwarf Priest 3 Dalaran

Skee Human Rogue 5 Darkspear

Skee Tauren Hunter 26 Destromath

Skee Tauren Shaman 60 Dethecus

Skee Troll Hunter 44 Doomhammer

Skee Undead Warrior 8 Draka

Skee Gnome Mage 12 Eldre'Thalas

Skee Human Warrior 60 Elune

Skee Human Warrior 14 Emerald Dream

Skee Human Paladin 16 Emerald Dream

Skee Night Elf Rogue 9 Emerald Dream

Skee Night Elf Rogue 11 EU-Aggramar

Skee Troll Mage 21 EU-Aman'Thul

Skee Orc Warlock 24 EU-Arthas

Skee Undead Rogue 25 EU-Azshara

Skee Human Mage 9 EU-Bronzebeard

Skee Night Elf Warrior 13 EU-Khaz Modan

Skee Undead Warlock 16 EU-Kil'Jaeden

Skee Night Elf Rogue 23 EU-Mal'Ganis

Skee Human Warlock 13 EU-Silvermoon

Skee Orc Shaman 5 EU-Stormreaver

Skee Human Paladin 43 EU-Terenas

Skee Orc Shaman 2 EU-Wrathbringer

Skee Night Elf Priest 17 Feathermoon

Skee Tauren Shaman 30 Frostmane

Skee Gnome Warrior 5 Frostmourne

Skee Undead Priest 31 Gorgonnash

Skee Tauren Shaman 10 Gul'dan

Skee Tauren Druid 24 Icecrown

Skee Orc Hunter 6 Illidan

Skee Gnome Warlock 2 Kargath

Skee Troll Rogue 10 Khaz'goroth

Skee Tauren Shaman 50 Kilrogg

Skee Orc Shaman 1 Kirin Tor

Skee Tauren Shaman 60 Laughing Skull

Skee Troll Hunter 3 Lightning's Blade

Skee Human Paladin 6 Maelstrom

Skee Undead Warlock 3 Mal'Ganis

Skee Night Elf Druid 7 Malfurion

Skee Human Paladin 12 Medivh

Skee Human Paladin 42 Ner'zhul

Skee Undead Mage 7 Proudmoore

Skee Gnome Rogue 8 Scarlet Crusade

Skee Human Warlock 8 Shadow Council

Skee Human Rogue 6 Shadow Council

Skee Human Mage 3 Silver Hand

Skee Gnome Rogue 60 Skullcrusher

Skee Orc Hunter 17 Skywall

Skee Gnome Warlock 60 Spirestone

Skee Troll Hunter 29 Stormrage

Skee Undead Rogue 43 Stormreaver

Skee Human Warlock 14 Suramar

Skee Human Paladin 8 Terenas

Skee Human Warlock 4 Thunderhorn

Skee Gnome Warrior 2 Twisting Nether

Skee Night Elf Priest 9 Uldum

Skee Dwarf Warrior 60 Whisperwind

Skee Gnome Rogue 9 Zul'jin




OMG its world of skee's

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Character Results


Scrapes Undead Rogue 11 Akama

Scrapes Night Elf Rogue 2 Bleeding Hollow

Scrapes Undead Warrior 9 Emerald Dream

Scrapes Tauren Warrior 1 Khadgar

Scrapes Night Elf Hunter 13 Shadowsong

Scrapes Human Warrior 60 Skullcrusher

Scrapes Dwarf Paladin 19 Uther



I am fairly positive 4 of them are my own I just forgot about, all I am positive on is warrior and hunter thought... well of corse the warrior heh.

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Character Results


Mekock Gnome Warlock 60 Skullcrusher

Mekock Tauren Warrior 8 Smolderthorn ( my alt =D in fp too =) )


muahahaha im the only one!!!

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