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Finally =P


It's not really that hard, we just never really focused on it. Now that we have we should be able to lead a bunch of raids on a constant basis. Wewt!






ZOMG he's dead! =D




And the boss before hand. zomg!



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Awesome guys! K now that ZG is all done for us... could siegey pls make ZG later like evening so i can make it too! =P


Grats guys!!

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Awesome guys! Could siegey pls make ZG later like evening so i can make it too! =P


Grats guys!!

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gratz. great loot for all.


Stryc is now sik


that trinket is gonna spell GG for all horde

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Now we can start running ZG all da damn time! ... I can finally get tons of faction to get our mages the Mageblood Potion and the tanks the Major Troll's Blood Potion! .. WOOOOOOOOT FPFTMFW!

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Just as an FYI to the members, you need to basically stfu and follow orders with this instance to a T. There are less people which means there is less room to screw up. but hey, were FP and were ftmfw, so id imagine everyone will hammer this thing since we know what were doing, well, we think we do.


grats again mr my shield clashes terribly with my armor!!!

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Omg GRATS BTW!!!!!!! sorry it took me 3 posts to say it...



(why dont we ever have zg on event sign up)

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Omg GRATS BTW!!!!!!! sorry it took me 3 posts to say it...



(why dont we ever have zg on event sign up)


From my understanding it was a Counsilor event in which to learn the encounters so that we would be able to run more overall successful ZG raids.


More leaders that know how to run the instance the more successful runs.

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aye, sorry for the kinda shady business that went down, but we decided to have sort of a business getaway. good news is we dropped everything with a relative ease. We will probably do the same with AQ, well, maybe. anyways, we downed hakkar, so we should be golden for the 5 aspects as well as hakkar. the hexxar we didnt get to, nor the fishy boss, but thats down the road.

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Ok thats cool can i get an auto sign up for the next one smile.gif


and also did you do that random 4 boss thing that drops the parts to make the epic trinket?


Grats again


Edit: How long did it take you?

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Ok thats cool can i get an auto sign up for the next one smile.gif



Sorry, thats a big no, check the rules. Everyone signs up themselves to provide equal opportunity. Joking or not its come up in the past and it didnt go well.


On a lighter note, didnt actually take long at all, we only killed the 5 aspects and hakkar. in total i think we were in there maybe 3-4 hours, with alot more down time than we should have to discuss strat and everything else to make sure we got it right.

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Pitty that the talisman went to Stric... he wouldn't abuse it as much as I would tongue.gif

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The spell power trinkets are SICK in pvp... I mean its not even funny... no aggro to worry about... melt faces ftw

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