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Kind of a neat idea, lots of people/servers doing it, but still...


Maybe we could organize something within FP along the same lines??


edit: just found this one - even better 1 full Tier set!

http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...er&T=142989&P=1 for silk or arthas tears

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hmm, since we will, or eventually will have the ability to run these instances on our own, were not so much encouraging participation in these. However, we have arranged with some more experienced guilds to sort of hold our hand in bwl to get their side of things. So, if you really want to help out, go farm linen, ask in /g for the spot.

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two things: Prime, I'm not sure what you're talking about or if you were even replying to this post smile.gif haha


2nd: Grats to Marbo on his 100g for submitting the most linen on the 15th smile.gif

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oh yea, it was sort of a conversation among councilors that didnt really make its way into the general. grats to marbo as well.

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I don't see why our councillors would not frown upon someone in FP participating in these contest....


or "not encourage it"


it's incentive for anyone to farm more material for the AQ gates and that's all.


BTW: I think Skullcrusher is "most improved" server on that list. While we will not be the first server to have the collection done, I think going from 35th or so last Tueday to 12th as of this AM is quite impressive smile.gif

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