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Esteb needs help with some homework (RUN!!!)

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not the numbers and definitions kind of homework mind you.


the kind of homework that involves me selling stuff. (hurray enterprice)




Would you buy shirts with your clan's Name, your name and some kind of customized logo to represent your clan?


yes? no?



Oh and once I get back in game I will be asking around through tells if you dont answer to this thread.


MUHAHAHHA!!! Marketing FTL

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I would not. I don't really wear t-shirts anymore. At work it is a button up shirt or a polo shirt and at home I could care less about what I am wearing. Its usually boxer shorts and a white t-shirt. (Ask felz, he's seen it first hand)

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I would not due to the fact that it costs money and depends on how nice it looks and so on tongue.gif

We have a guild slogan (FPFTMFW) but do we have a logo?



Btw Adidas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nike

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maybe, if they were reasonable, and the proceeds went to say, i dn, paying for our vent fee, then probably, but if it was going into someones pocket, no.


the kicker is price.

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Adidas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nike


I concur!

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hmmm... i kno a bunch of ppl that play WoW at my school so on an occasional basis i would prob be caught wearing such a shirt; however not very regularly...


also it would b more likely for me to buy such a shirt if the proceeds went to something cheritable... like paying my monthly WoW fee! lol jks biggrin.gif

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I went thru a phase when i played CS and my clan had shirts made... it was cool then but kinda sad when i think about it now.


But if it was done tastefully and not too pricey or if its pricey but awesomely done then maybe.

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i say it has some sort of logo on the front, then at the top part of the back of the shirt we have your main characters name haha just like a sports jersey!

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Maybe a nice polo with the name and logo in one of the corners might be nice. Disguise it to be a nice brand name and I could tszuj it up into my outfits.

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