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I trurned in all the runecloth bandagues I had so about 120 atm. and I turned in a stack of thorium.

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watch after this you need to farm complete sets of grey armor to hand in, and then even more after that.

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The supplies you have to collect is based on the population of each horde and alliance

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you forgot to mention that we also need to collect approximately 35 thousand silithid carapaces, which drop off of the lvl 59 - 61 elite mobs across silithus.


on a related note, FP has collect over 1 THOUSAND of said carapaces in A SINGLE MORNING!!



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i turned in 3 stacks of thorium bars and about 100 runecloth bandaids =) i haen't been able to farm anymore runecloth(PvP ftmfw) but yeah i will be soon enough!

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Hey 35 is an improvement! We were 46 at one point I think.


Besides, the materials gathering is not all that has to be done. You forget that at least one person has to complete the quest series, and as of now I haven't heard of many that have even done the first event at the AQ gate. Immo has made more progress on this than most of the 34 servers ahead of us.


Some of the servers ahead of us may not even have a guild that is capable of doing the quests (you do have to down the Broodlood in BWL).It's very likely the first few servers to get their mats may not be able to open the gate until they do all the quests.

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hence the 2 month progress thing, but i have a feeling that there will be a phase 2 of the mat gathering, say you have to talk to the people, and all that stuff we donated to them, we must turn into armor etc.

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they have less overall to turn in. but hey, we got the scepter made, and were moving up every week in mats turned in, ask around in /g for a good spot to go farm linen and what not.

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The Horde know we own them, they're just dealing with an inferiority complex.

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Anyone notice we're the 2nd ranked pvp guild? 10 bucks says we woulda been first overall had we not had transfers


Mannoroth is the first, btw, and Kel'Thuzad is the 3rd. There are no other pvp servers in the top 20.

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Anyone else suspicious of those first two servers, or at least Medivh. That's way too much of a lead to hold on to for the entire time. I had heard that a GM leaked the mat requirements to a guild on Medivh over a month before 1.9. No idea if it's true. Most likely just rumors based out of jealousy, but ya never know.

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or they are pve...


and they had heard about the gathering of mats (like most of us did) before the patch and using some common sence decided to save the most common mats?

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ok did my part turned in 650 linen bandages and 980 runecloth bandages


so im a team player what can i say tongue.gif



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Hykos I heard something similar about Medivh, that one of their top guilds actually has a GM as a member. (does Blizz even allow that?)


Gotta wonder, it seems like they know about the collections ahead of time...

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