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Happy New Year Forgotten Prophets!!!


I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year! I know the Atlanta folks did. smile.gif I thought I would entertain you guys with a few pictures from the celebration.


Kaslor and our friend Eric sporting some festive hats tongue.gif



Garetsu, Hykos, and Thornblade dueling it out on Soul Calibur 3!



Kalor and Hykos took the dueling a little bit further...looks like Kaslor wins.



Garetsu and Usagi try and get in on the dueling by /taunting Hykos and Kaslor.



Hykos has a timed quest he must finish is drink in 15 seconds or he fails! (Stephen makes sure he doesnt cheat)



Hykos lost! Usagi tries to rez him but hunters arent to great at that especially when smashed. tongue.gif



Well I hope you enjoyed our fun as much as we did smile.gif Hope to see some more of the New Years fun posted! wink.gif

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OMG you beat me too it. :x

120 pictures to resize is taking me WAY too damn long.


Umm... and why am I in every pic amanda??


Oh, and I'll have you know I finished that quest in 12 seconds on the first try. /flex

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You're not in every pic....just almost all of them tongue.gif They were the funniest out of all the pics. Hykos + Alcohol = Hilarious smile.gif

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Man, ya'll have all the fun down there in the Southern-lands D;

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While at the party Hykos told me I could get some extra FP points if I did him a "favor".


So here's me crying afterwards:



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whoa! looks like you guys had fun!


if i posted pics from my new years celebration it would be pics of me sleeping then waking up at 3 am hopping on my laptop to play WOW. my life needs some excitment, anyone got any slimjims?

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Just to be clear, that was not my pink construction hat. And in hindsite (given the proclaimed promiscuity of its owner) I'm pretty sure it's been used in certain "roleplaying" situations, and I don't mean WoW. Heh. Not a pleasant thought.


Enjoy our humility. 8)



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Just to be clear, that was not my pink construction hat.  And in hindsite (given the proclaimed promiscuity of its owner) I'm pretty sure it's been used in certain \"roleplaying\" situations, and I don't mean WoW.  Heh.  Not a pleasant thought.  


Enjoy our humility.   8)




Now son of mine, I know you liked wearing your pink helmet. Its ok



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Oh, now son, you know I rather enjoyed it at the time.


It had good stats, too:


+ 10 alcohol stamina

+ 20 soul caliber agility

+ 5 tickle defense

- 50 intellect


And after all, I'm not the one knawing on thornblade's nipple. Lol.




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Heh yeah whats the hunter move where you take control of your pet, Eye of the Beast? Maybe Usagi was just practicing her hunter skillz smile.gif

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haha, he's her murlock slave.


but do murlocks even have nipples? hmmmmmmmm...


..ponder that one for "two shakes of a lambs tail."


Fifty bucks for anyone who guesses the movie quote. And you can't cheat! I'll be watching. O.O




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eh... i guess, btw check your trunk


Oooooh so thats where we put the dead hooker. I was wondering where she went off to.


And for thoes of you wondering. "No!" That hooker was dead when we bought her.

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eh... i guess, btw check your trunk


Oooooh so thats where we put the dead hooker. I was wondering where she went off to.


And for thoes of you wondering. "No!" That hooker was dead when we bought her.




She must be in Usagi's or hykos' trunk, cause all I found was an unconsumed six-pack of coors light...


...dead when we bought her...LMAO

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eh... i guess, btw check your trunk


Oooooh so thats where we put the dead hooker. I was wondering where she went off to.


And for thoes of you wondering. "No!" That hooker was dead when we bought her.




She must be in Usagi's or hykos' trunk, cause all I found was an unconsumed six-pack of coors light...


So that's what the smell in my car is!!!


Damnit Todd I said put her in Gareth's car. Geez it's so hard to find good help these days.

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eh... i guess, btw check your trunk


Oooooh so thats where we put the dead hooker. I was wondering where she went off to.


And for thoes of you wondering. "No!" That hooker was dead when we bought her.




She must be in Usagi's or hykos' trunk, cause all I found was an unconsumed six-pack of coors light...


So that's what the smell in my car is!!!


Damnit Todd I said put her in Gareth's car. Geez it's so hard to find good help these days.


lol, when i left you where passed out next to the dead hooker, you should be thankful i diden't leave her next to you tongue.gif

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He didn't come, Luc and I still have a button for him sad.gif

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