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well since we discussed this in the mage channel the other night [and by request of stric and este =p] here's me [klaudy] rockin out, ooooh yeahhhhh.



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OMG it's Klaudy!


hiya klakla happy.gif


I'm gonna be a brat and post two more of ya.


[pictures deleted]

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WTF why did you make this a separate post?!?!!? omg i feel so corny. damn you hykos. and omg you get those pictures outta here. bahhhhhhhhh omg delete them =-[

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Someone a little bit shy? At least you don't have an idiotic expression on your face while huge beach balls are stuffed up your shirt (See myself in the Fun Times in Michigan thread). I mean, it could be worse.

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OMG hawt, I play guitar too. And drums. And keyboards. Let's start a 2 person band!


I play the piano/keyboard!

and I can write lyrics!


lets make the FP band!

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lets make the FP band!


Ohhh, can I be a roadie?!


FPFTMFWBBQ'd Band of Bodacious Brutes!


..including kla. I've seen her brutality first hand, and alas, I no longer have hands.


So how am I typing this, you ask? Don't! The world is full of mysteries indescribable. hmmmm... tongue.gif




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i can play the bass guitar!

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i can play the bass guitar!


we're TOTALLY starting a band. and sure, it can be an emo band =p

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... I have experience!


At taking advantage of young naive, impressionable, artists for the soul purpose of benifiting yourself financialy, sexualy, and socially?

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Can I be your manager?! I have experience!


Most definitely! Just, you know, if we decide to put on some sort of ritualistic reenactment of Stonehenge, make sure you get the right measurements.


[props to anyone who knows what I'm talking about =p]

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... I have experience!


At taking advantage of young naive, impressionable, artists for the soul purpose of benifiting yourself financialy, sexualy, and socially?


He's talking about himself, BW, not you. We all know you are experienced in that, the sexually part at least

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i can play the bass guitar!


we're TOTALLY starting a band. and sure, it can be an emo band =p


it would be cooler if it were a hardcore band :twisted:

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i can play the bass guitar!


we're TOTALLY starting a band. and sure, it can be an emo band =p


it would be cooler if it were a hardcore band :twisted:


hahaha okay, and we can write songs about killin horde.. in malicious ways.. we'll be a nerd hxc band =/

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i can play the bass guitar!


we're TOTALLY starting a band. and sure, it can be an emo band =p


it would be cooler if it were a hardcore band :twisted:


hahaha okay, and we can write songs about killin horde.. in malicious ways.. we'll be a nerd hxc band =/


O... I quit...

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