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I just wanted to say thanks to Joesf, Hinanin and Ready for taking me and Beorn through BRD last night. Beorn's mage (Gilleland) and my druid (Ultionis) both got attuned to MC and got a majority of the Onyxia chain done. I cant thank them enough because on my rogue it took no less than 3 weeks to find a group that would even GO to BRD let alone was compentent enough to get it done. That was before I was in FP btw. ANyhow thanks again guys!



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well at least 1 droped biggrin.gif


been there 10 times and 2 were ninjaed and ... well i have not see any more...

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Well Joesf is broker than a horrible joke. So, if anyone needs to run though there lemme know cause that place kicks ass for cash.

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Joe!!!! I need to do Jailbreak now! If you can help me through that nightmare, I will do any other part of it you want to do. Might need to wait a lvl or 2 before I can handle the Emperor but other than that I am in FO SHO!


Ghost a.k.a. Ultionis

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