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I forgot to hit the printscreen button during the actual quest because I was a bit nervous. I wish I did however, it was quite neat.


Here's a few I snagged though:


What the Eye of Divinity says:





The questgiver:




And me just as I got it!




Thank you to all of FP for making this possible.

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Wait, you guys get a tendrils of light spell that cut through undead?

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GRATZ STANG! You deserve it man!


Also GRATZ ENI! We were just talking the day before that MC run that the Lava Dredger was her dream MC item for her Druid. Awesome!



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Wait, you guys get a tendrils of light spell that cut through undead?


Yeah, but we only use it on our 10 priest baron runs. We don't want to show you all that we can actually do something.


We also shoot lightning out of our bums, on command.

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Wait, you guys get a tendrils of light spell that cut through undead?


We also shoot lightning out of our bums, on command.


yeah its true, its called AzzShock! :shock:

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Woot finally a dr00d with the lava dredger... grats eni-awesome-gami!!





Sorry i didnt see it... WPL is so dark... >.<

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Holy Crap!!!




Welcome to the big shiney stick club.


(horde shall now notice you even more if you try and heal in pvp.. 8) )

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Yey , grats on that stang. You deserve it with all the time you put in!

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