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I want to thank Valdez and Beornwarrior for helping me out in my quest to get into Old Ironforge since Blizz has 'fixed' the entrance numerous times. Check out these pix ZOMG!






























Hope you enjoyed these pics... support exploration in warcraft!!! biggrin.gif

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O M G !!!!! One of the places I want in MOST! You're helping me get in Klaud. Either that or it's /gkick for you! *flexes councilor muscles*

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zomg i got in there a long time ago but then they changed the pathing ...



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There is also a neutral place around there you can deul in Ironforge. If you start the deul with a mage and run to the door (Which will put you out of the deul area) and have the amge quickly come up an sheep you, as a sheep you will walk threw the door, PvP trinket out of sheep and your in Old Iron Forge too.

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aw man.. you take me there, I'll take you to the Air Port that you fly over when leaving IF. I have only been in there once, and that was through the old entrances where the king is, but Blizz fixed that entrance way. I was a noob and accadently got in there then and didn't do any exploring while in there :-(

At the airport you get to explor the TOP, like outside of IF :-). There is also a few entrances into IF there that I have been trying to get into but /sigh can't YET :-)



Get me in Old IF aka downstairs and I'll get you into the Airport AND another area in the wetlands that you see after you fly past the airport.....


Message me ingame


Prettyboi= my rogue I am mainly on

Amitesh= you know me :-P[edit]on second though, you might NOT know me, lol but /shrug, lets still play, the airport is FTW[edit]



and grats lcky

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There is also a neutral place around there you can deul in Ironforge.  If you start the deul with a mage and run to the door (Which will put you out of the deul area) and have the amge quickly come up an sheep you, as a sheep you will walk threw the door, PvP trinket out of sheep and your in Old Iron Forge too.


WTF.... who figured that out?! OMG Im so trying this tonight.

*sends IM to Klaudia*

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LOL yeah Amitesh I know who you are, and I've been to both those places. I can't verify that this works with the new patch. Also, Blizz claims to have fixed wall walking, so I don't even know if getting on top of IF is still possible :shock:

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