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A Gnomish Halloween/Christmas: Reloaded (Need Help)

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Hello all!


I don't know how many of you know me from some posts i've made here, so let me introduce my self:


My name is Exist, or Chris, i'm ok with either, and the ex-leader of the UCA (United Canadian Alliance) guild on skullcrusher. Many of my friends from UCA are in this guild (and our old forums are kinda dead) so I post here now. I have applied for FP, but there are no spaces open for a Warlock (/cry)


Anywho's, during the time when UCA existed I came up with an idea, a pretty great idea if you ask me. Everyone knows those two MP3's that Blizzard released last year about the Gnomish Adventures. Being a gnome character I though it would kick ass to create a movie on it.


So, we began the filming, and due to poor time skills and people not showing up we never finished. That is why I am here right now, seeing if people would like to help remake this wonderful movie. I have the teaser trailer, or the opening scene from the Hallowe'en movie Here.


Now I am quite aware on how busy everyone is right now with Christmas and everything, and doing guild stuff like MC and everything. So I was hopeing that people would like to help me even though I am not a part of FP or anything. I will supply a list of everything that is needed for the film:


- 5 Gnomes (I will play the leader, so really 4 more)

- A Human guard on horse (Preferably non-paladin. I have Becon)

- Female Vendor

- Male Defias (Willas I hope you kept all that armour tongue.gif)

- Female Defias (Can be the female vendor but in beige clothing)

- Male Troll (Two ways to do this. Use a NE with Big Bad Vodoo and photoshop it blue/green or use the NPC Troll in STV)

- Extras (to make places more lively)


The places we would be going are:


- Tinker Town, Ironforge

- Duskwood

- Westfall

- Stranglethorn Vale


I will link up the Original MP3 because Blizzard hates me.




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I can dress up like a SW guard, if needed. Brown Mare for a horse, Imperial Plate Armor with Light Plate Gloves and Aegis of Stormwind and a Longsword to hold. wink.gif


I'll post a screenie in a bittle.

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On my alt rogue, he has full defias, and on my main warrior I got imperial set - helm, and I got the aegis of sw, and a brown horse. but looks like you got one of those already.

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I am away fro the holidays.. my game time expired and i dont have money to get a card sad.gif

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i'll help!, biggrin.gif well, i got my dwarf hunter, and a gnome alt thats level 11.


sigh, just like in the preview, its backround for me biggrin.gif

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i wanna see the movie now. =(


just a quick tip, i can't read the credits posted over the production logo.

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