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If only it were that easy.


But they do have a weakness.


If you are in party with them you can stun them with a snowball. smile.gif

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We had the first snowball interruption a couple of months ago. I cant remember who hit who but i know there much laughing at the pallies and much crieing by the paladins.


Paladins FTMFL

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Its funny all this time of the pallys being uperior and their weakness is snowballs..


:stocking up on them:

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It's even BETTER if you see a pally in your group trying to shield + hearth out and screw the group over... snowball ends his fun. Pally is screwed. Pally begins to cry. I...erm... know this from... personal experience...

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If only it were that easy.


But they do have a weakness.


If you are in party with them you can stun them with a snowball.  :)


I've been in AV and had mine broken.. don't know how, but surely enough, BAM, I got nailed and it broke... proly an insaine crit or something.

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And to think I used to say snowballs were ftw... :cry:

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And to think I used to say snowballs were ftw...   :cry:


you didn't pick up any yellow snow did you?!?!?!?!?!

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