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These people are on our server. /sigh

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we didn't. and trust me this is why I said I am so amazed at how professional and kind we are in game and vent.


I already was axiom and delt with that >.<

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wow man... I've never been on team vent for Rag... bur seriously I cant imagine you guys sounding like that lol Axiom needs to lay off the caffeine. lol

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Think about this.


That was when they were doing good.


You would not want to experience the bad side >.<

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Wow. My speakers hate me now. I probablly shouldn't have had them loud enough to make the cat come and stare at me like I was crazy. *shrug*

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i don't get sound from the page /shrug i guess i miss out

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that is sweet man, those kinda things scare me, like that freakin cloud stone thing.

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and this is why i frikking love this guild... i havnt lost my hearing yet....




u kno if we said that on vent as many times as we typed it we would sound worse than them O_o

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i don't get sound from the page /shrug i guess i miss out


I'm guessing you aren't using IE then. Try that and you should here sound. Personally I can't stand f*ing IE, but I have to use it for these things :-(

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Woahhhh, I bet they'll do that every time they kill him. I like how it kinda sounds like devil speak.

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all we did when we killed him was shout




... and then we went ahead and looted. Oh and made comments about how various people jumped into the lava just to get the last hits to bring down Rag ^^

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all we did when we killed him was shout




... and then we went ahead and looted. Oh and made comments about how various people  jumped into the lava just to get the last hits to bring down Rag ^^

I would totally do that. Healing my ass I'm gonna get the killing blow!

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wow man... I've never been on team vent for Rag... bur seriously I cant imagine you guys sounding like that lol  Axiom needs to lay off the caffeine. lol


that was my favorate part to lol. As for the celebration =0_0

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