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Felt like playing around and doing another movie.


The music is by gravediggers. 1-800-Suicide

It contains explicit lyrics for those of you who care.

And it is rap... so you might want to mute the music smile.gif


Just a Priest

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O.k. a little criticism please.


Good.. bad indifferent?


Don't quit my day job of healing?

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I put this on Warcraft movies site. 243 uploads so far with one feedback. But the one feedback was a 10...


And I at least wasted 243 peoples time if they didn't like it laugh.gif

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You know I stayed up ALL night (no sleep) doing BWL research and watching movies last night. You would think I am tired but my sister is flying in from Iowa and I am waiting for her to arrive and then I am gonna be off...


for a few minutes smile.gif

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lol its 3:57, and I found it hilarious, made me wanna go work on my priest lol. I give it a 10.

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OMG... Scrapes FTW.... He left me feedback woot woot.


Thanks I think I am gonna start a series of these as I find devious ways to kill the horde smile.gif Or a good theme to heal people killing the horde as the music alot of times makes the video.


I got two 10's at warcraft movies site too smile.gif *does happy happy joy joy dance*

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lol go with the horde killing, find two people questing and MC one and kill the other. That would be hilarious, especially if the victim has no idea why is friends attacking him. kk its late, night all.

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Actually I showed one but I edited the end out. One of the kills was a guard killing the horde. That was fun and also I heard you can MC them into the gryph master and get them totally WTFPwned.


But I also want to find ways to get htem down without MC. Just takes crativity without the ability to melt their faces smile.gif

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Bentley has more posts in this thread than I've had this week.



*finds Bentley a lady of hte night to keep him distracted*

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Just watched it.. and it reminds me of pretty much every MC run we go on.




I'm gonna try and get the things I need to start making videos. For example, last night killing the Twilight Prophet was dope.



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I use fraps personally.


My methods of getting the program are slightly different than the norm is all I will say smile.gif

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hahaha i bout peeeed one of them times you were shadow melded and 2 of them guys ran right by ya hehehe sneaky sneaky

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^ That's why NE Priest are FTW!


I just hope that they don't take it away from us, saying it's overpowered.


"Shadowmeld will now lose effect once casting has started"


I can see it coming.



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