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I know, I know... it ain't Christmas yet... and New Year's is still some time away... but i've started sending out greetings via snail mail and e-mail so i'm in a bit of a cheery mood.. hence...


I wish all of you l33t prophets a wonderful Christmas with your friends, loved ones, families... !!


And since the possibility is high that between Christmas and New Year's that i won't be online as much i.e. just to play WoW and less forum trolling (/cry) and of course in case i forget... have AN AWESOME NEW YEAR'S !!! Party on, rock on, sleep on... whatever suits your fancy!


I hope that 2006 brings you a great year and, of course, good luck and success in whatever you set out to achieve!!


May 2006 also bring us some more awesome moments in the realms of Warcraft that we will forever remember!!


Cheers guys!




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oh oh! me 2 me 2!


Merry Christmass Prophets! May the new year bring upon you new ways to wipe entire raids, new monsters to own , and more l33t loot to ninja (and pants for stricnyne to steal)!


May the new year bring you more IRL successes and that kind of stuff


Merry christmas and a happy new year!

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Happy holidays too all! (merry christmas only applies to christains and non religious people who buy into the commercialism of modern day celebrations tongue.gif ) may the season bring joy to all


P.S. since i have no life, the only goal il have in 2006 is getting more epics... lol... /cry


jks biggrin.gif

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Happy Christmas and Merry Newyears everyone! im in West Virginia for the holidays so... all you GA peeps dont miss me to bad!

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hehe ive already made a bit of a christmas post but anyway!


happy holidays prophets!!


hope you all have an awesome christmas, and i'll see you all in 2006! (zomg!)

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Aye, be well all this gorging season!!! Mmmm, food.


(Oh, I will actually start playing again tomorrow night prolly, wootzor.)

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that should summon it up.

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We're gonna have a gothic christmas

That is what we'll do

We're gonna have a gothic christmas

Hope you'll have one too


Santa's going to wear a black dress

Just for me and you

Santa's going to grunt in Latin

And slay a dragon or two


Rudolph, he will change his name

Cuz Rudolph just sounds really lame

Now we'll call him Ragnagord

The evil reindeer overlord


His nose it shall be red no more

It will be blackened to the core

His eyes will glow an evil glow

To guide the chariot through the snow


We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We want to wish you a gothic christmas


We're gonna have a gothic christmas

That is what we'll do

We're gonna have a gothic christmas

Hope you'll have one too


We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We want to wish you a gothic christmas

We want to wish you a gothic christmas

Hope you'll have a gothic christmas too

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