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Things I have found on BWL I will post here since it seems to be our next major obstacle


Razorgore the untamed is the first named boss inside Blackwing Lair. This page will soon be filled with Razorgore strategies. Stay tuned!


Raid makeup: Well-balanced raid with good skills, good gear,at least 5 priests and 5 warriors. Warriors with fire/arcane resist a bonus. Someone familiar with controlling Razorgore with the orb and using his attacks helps.


Strat: Group charges Grethok the Controller. MT grabs controller. One tank grabs right guard. Another tank grabs left guard.


DPS kills controller, then each guard. DPS positions themselves with even # groups south of control platform, odd # groups north of control platform. Hardy class uses orb to control Razorgore to destroy the eggs on his platform first, then work himself from south to north on the remaining eggs. Also work on using his fire balls and his AoE taunt to gather aggro away from raid.


Main damage on Razorgore is from legionnaire cleave, so raid tries to keep them off Razorgore.


Following sequence after guards/Grethok dies:


#1: Rogues attack Blackwing Mages

#2: Warriors train adds around with Piercing Howl, Hunters assist with Traps. Horde can use this with their earthbind totems to make the encounter easier.

#3: Control platform kept clear so mage AoE doesn't kill or break channeling of orb user.

#4: Warriors/Priests/Warlocks use fear-bombs when adds are overly clumped for breathing space, but don't rely on it. Fear rotations can help, but are a crutch.

#5: Orb controller should be breaking eggs non stop almost, only use his AE to pull aggro off the raid if you really have to.


DPS classes should focus on stun-locking/interrupting mages and bringing them down fast.


Once all eggs are down, adds will leave. Tanks with fire resist attack Razorgore from the front and back of him. He should be tanked in the corner of the room closest to where the last egg was destroyed. Razorgore is immune to taunts and mocking blow. When the north tanks are hit by conflaguration, Razorgore should attack south tanks. This is hard to maintain however. An alternative is to kite Razorgore around the map spreading out and using ranged dps.


Razorgore has a powerful multi-fireball attack which seems randomly targetted, and a fire breath frontal-cone attack which hits for several ticks of 1000 damage to all targetted while target runs around uselessly.


This should be a almost all ranged fight (Like fighting a Onyxian Warder). Keep the 2 tanks alive and work him down with ranged DPS. Mages, Hunters and Warlocks this all up to you so try and stay alive during the fight.

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No no no. You beat ME too it! muhaha


I picked up piercing howl since the last run. So between Me, Gryph, Beorn and Vanin we should be obee-kaaaybee.

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No no no. You beat ME too it! muhaha


I picked up piercing howl since the last run. So between Me, Gryph, Beorn and Vanin we should be obee-kaaaybee.


das great! 8)

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O.k. so what's the next boss... I can find the strat to him too... I think.... Anything to stay out of that cage... oh noezz

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its no too hard..




thats how you down vael tongue.gif

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its no too hard..




thats how you down vael tongue.gif


For luck on this run, Esteban will attempt a soloing of Veal with snowballs. While pushing Bentley who will be duct tabled to a chair.


Go get em guys! smile.gif

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I would like to point out that this method has pros and cons. The pro was that Esteban did very good. The con was that Bentley seemed to be the first priest down each time.



I have looked at how others have done it. I even got a video. Now the video is a tad sketchy but maybe someone else can figure out more than I was able to with my awesome 1 attempt at Razor.



Razorgore Tutorial


Also if you read the comments you will notice that someone says something about mindcontrolling and how it stops something from respawning but i have been unable to find this anywhere else as of yet.


Their method in the video is basically to stompy most things in as they come out... But I like the location they use for controlling Razor.


Another method I have found I believe it was NA... who I almost always like to research their methods... is to have healers all grouped in the middle with everyone else on the outside so that healers can basically reach any and everyone at all times. Just another thought.

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I'm not going to run past our strat... most of us hv heard it on vent or read about it.


The biggest problem we've faced with our strat is that the one thing that keeps the raid up is also the very thing that can potentially lead us to wipe - healing.

There're so many mobs that keeping aggro under control is literally impossible so healers hv to keep heals to a minimum but the thing is is that this encounter is chaotic and often things that can go wrong will go wrong and we end up hving to chuck heals and the whole cascading effect beings. =/


The problem with 4 corner groups is that if their healer falls... who's gonna keep the group up? The other corner groups hv their hands full and are out of range anyway... healers at the altar hv to keep the training warrior up as well as keep the altar clear.


If one healer comes to aid the group that lost its healer.. he'll probably drop pretty quick too.

There're too many stray mobs to keep under control in my opinion.


I remember listening to Mistica talking about their Razor strat... they didnt reveal everything but their strat is similiar to thge strat Bentley posted in the OP.


The 4 corner group has worked before and worked last time... we just didnt hv enough to take on Razor... we got past the 1st stage several times... so i suppose it just takes more practice.

But i was thinking that we contract the corner groups a bit more towards the centre of the room... there's a rectangle in the centre of the room... and if we contract the groups to each corner of this rectangle we'd be a lot closer together allowing cross-group heals to save ass and distribute healin agro a bit more.

It also creates an enclosed area for healers and casters.

Also.. it keeps healers further away from the spawn points of mobs i.e. melee on the outer side of the rectangle and healers inside.

The training Warrior just runs around the group on the outside.


Also... an important note should be made... never dot a dragonspawn... if its causing problems.. chances are it will be slept very soon.

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I reckon pallies should be healing all out during this fight apart from 1 or 2 trying to OOC which would be damn hard.


Just like pally healing in PvP... you guy can take some nice dmg and last longer than priests and druids in general.

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