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Twas awesome to see him fall tonight for my first time! I was there for the 1% wipe, but not the actual kill. Was zomguberawesomeamazing!!


Grats Lady, Beorn, Dragon and Nier on the phat looz0rs!!!

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the lowest i've seen besides tonight was 70% so, yay, i had a blast lets keep it up and do it again.


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Ive never seen him drop, actually, I have never seen anyone except for Luc and the guy after luc that big dog drop.. soo GRATS BROO! :-) heehee and on the 1st try to I hear, thats awesome, GJ GJ

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This was my first week in MC, and what can I say, it was quite awesome! It was great seeing rag drop, even though I was dead following stage 1. Check stric's vid for some hot corpse action!

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This was my first week in MC, and what can I say, it was quite awesome! It was great seeing rag drop, even though I was dead following stage 1. Check stric's vid for some hot corpse action!



mmmm drool

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hey gryph did you get the shield?


you certainly pulled a hero on that fight tongue.gif


you got punted away and then ran across just in time to dish out some good PWNAGE !


Execute FTW!

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He is referring to the infamous Hero's Buckler The championship belt of all warriors! Legends speak of how only a hero can grasp the shield in a time of need!


(How Vanin got a hold of it I'll never know! tongue.gif )

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