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So while doing an MC run today, arafelz walks up to me in between pulls and msg's me asking if i would use an eye of flame,




since it had good FR. I figure i could use it so i ask him wut the mats are and il get them to him for one, he then opens trade with me, pops the thing in and sais "take, its free; a gift from the guild for bing there" I told him i refused to take it for free but he insisted that i take it; i later asked stang if its commonplace for epic FR gear to be given out during raids to any members; he msged back saying "only to our best ones <3"


That's my little story; and why i would like to say thank you to all of FP, u guys are the best and i wouldnt even think about ever bing somewhere else smile.gif


a special thanks fo arafelz and stang; your words almost brought tears to my eyes, <3 :oops:

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