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This was me doing some exploring into the botom of SW well bvelow below it




well that will be the first and last time sad.gif im sad that the could be making it so you cant go mountain climbing or explorers

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wtf, how'd you get there? cuz that would be the ultimate place for an underground dueling ring!!!!!!!!![/code]

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grats on your exploration =D looks neat

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I've seen the same type of pics from under under city (lol that sounds weird). There's a way, I don't know how, to get in between the map and the building structures.

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I've actually heard rumors and seen some pics (possibly fake) of people clipping to some underground room where the true king of Stormwind is being held captive for later quests/instances.


soooo... pretty much what I'm saying G is go find it... mr. clipping exploit guy..


oohhhhh either that... or go get me samples from the sunwell, or see what is lurking in northern plaguelands....

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I've actually heard rumors and seen some pics (possibly fake) of people clipping to some underground room where the true king of Stormwind is being held captive for later quests/instances.


soooo... pretty much what I'm saying G is go find it... mr. clipping exploit guy..


oohhhhh either that... or go get me samples from the sunwell, or see what is lurking in northern plaguelands....


Yea.. i heard this too.. but i thought he was on some remote island... no idea tho.

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The king is on an island with lvl 60+ people on it in Dustwallow...


not hard to get to...


just hard not to die and/or draw aggro..


hey that was one of the 3 last places i explored biggrin.gif


GJ G.. i got there when i fell throught world time number 4 i think biggrin.gif

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Oh there will be more exploring everyday i look on the movie site for more bugs next im going for caverns of time if anyone wants to some this weekand leet me know smile.gif

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