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A Possible Arathi Basin Strategy

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I know that I am not a "member" of Forgotten Prophets, but I decided to post a strategy for the Battle Ground; Arathi Basin to see if it would catch on at all. I hope that you will enjoy this post, and that my ideas on the battleground will somehow assist you in the next time you decide to raid this area. smile.gif


Basics of AB:

Ook down to basics, the map has five "strategic points" or flags that you need to capture. Thus, the main point behind Arathi Basin (AB) is to capture more flags that the Horde, and systematically deprive them of all their rescources. Now, you can accomplish this by either capturing and holding every single flag, or by simply capturing three out of the five flags. AB is a twenty manned raid instance, this means that you can have some flexability with deploying the raid party around.


Defending Flags:

Everyone always wants to protect what they have just captured, and rightly so. However, I have always found that having roughly three people guard a flag at a time works the best. After your team has capured a base, have three people stay behind to guard; then continue on with the rest of your party. This strategy keeps the bulk of your team constantly moving, while keeping some members behind to guard your assests.

With that being said, you should never run into the problem of fifteen people standing around the BlackSmith while the Horde takes out every other flag.


Attacking Flags:

If at all possible try to keep the bulk or about ten people of your raid party together at all times. I would highly suggest that those whom are constantly attacking have epic mounts, for that this will ensure that they can close with the Horde much faster.

Always try to take on the Horde two to one; remember no one has ever won against a shaman one vs. one biggrin.gif I would suggest having attack macros set up for those whom are in the attack groups. Furthermore, the attack group should stay around the flag until it becomes fully captured (this means that alliance can now spawn there), and then move on. If in the event that the Alliance captures every Horde base, the Attack group should rides around near the BlackSmith (the center of the map) and wait until people see the Horde raid party once more.


How to Win: :wink:

Capture the stables first, then have the majority of the raid party move into the Black Smith. At the same time however, have three people head off towards the mine, and three people move off towards the lumber mill. Three people should also still be at the Stables, thus leaving you with 11 people to take the Blacksmith. Once the Blacksmith has been taken over, have the three people whom were at the Stables move up.

:arrow: If you failed to capture the Lumber mill or the Mine, do so now with the 11 person attack group.

After the Mine, BlackSmith, Lumber Mill, and Stables have been captured have the main attack force move up to the Horde Farm at the northern end of the map. Try to hold the main Horde forces there, or even take the flag if you can.


OK...this post is almost over now :cry: Bust just a "Brief" recap:

1.) It is important that you don't allow the majority of your raid be sucked into defending one flag, while the Horde are allowed to run around outside.

2.) The BlackSmith is probebly the most important area on the map. However, don't throw all of your raid members into defending it. This would allow the Horde to outflank you, and then take out the the other four flags with relative ease.

3.) Always try to keep your attack forces group together and take on all Horde two on one if you can.


Well..I think that's about it as far as my strategy goes...I hope you all will like it, and perhaps use it some day while your out fighting the Horde in AB. Thank you for reading my huge post :shock: , and thank you for your time.

Best of luck to youy all biggrin.gif


Oh...and plz forgive me for the plethora of spelling errors that adorn this post :oops:

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lolz....maybe I was wrong :shock:

...I honestly don't remember.... :?

Wow..now I feel really dumb..... :oops:

well anyway..even if it's 15 manned then have two ppl stay at each base instead of the regular 3 sad.gif


Sorry about the confusion....wow..I really really feel dumb now...jeez.. :cry:

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lolz....maybe I was wrong  :shock:  

...I honestly don't remember....  :?  

Wow..now I feel really dumb..... :oops:  

well anyway..even if it's 15 manned then have two ppl stay at each base instead of the regular 3  :(  


Sorry about the confusion....wow..I really really feel dumb now...jeez.. :cry:


Its okay smile.gif


This might work against a horde pug (and even make the game faster), but against a good group it would likely just make the game take longer.


The most basic AB strategy is to initially have 1 person cap the stable and defend it, send the rest to the BS and the Mill. When you have 3 nodes, leave 2 defenders at the stable (preferably 1 a rogue), and 3 at each of the other 2 you own. The rest of the raid is a "swing" group that goes to reinforce whichever node gets attacked by the horde. Good scouting and calling incoming enemies out early makes this AB strategy easy.


Anyway, that is BASIC Local Defense strategy.


I think your strategy would work best when you KNOW that you easily overpower the horde you are facing and can steamroll them.

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lolz....maybe I was wrong  :shock:  

...I honestly don't remember....  :?  

Wow..now I feel really dumb..... :oops:  

well anyway..even if it's 15 manned then have two ppl stay at each base instead of the regular 3  :(  


Sorry about the confusion....wow..I really really feel dumb now...jeez.. :cry:


Hehe its okay smile.gif


We all make silly mistakes sometimes tongue.gif

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