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Stang and his Reindeer!




ZOMG Gnomes FTW!



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omg when did they implement this stuff and where do i get it??

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Haha....this holiday stuff is so much fun! Snowballs, eggnog, reindeer, lights, trees, presents. OMG! I love this game!

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Woohoo that rocks. Are we taking a guild holdiay shot for postcards smile.gif

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Ihope no one ninjas our tabard during one of the times its changed for the holidays. It matches my outfit wounderfully.

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Nah, Gryph was wearing his for the Rag kill. We've got proof that it's our permanent tabbard. We're just festive.

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Complete the Metzen Reindeer quest... the guest giver is a goblin in front of the bank near the x-mas setup.


Metzen, for me atleast, was north near the gate in Searing Gorge named in the clues. Its an easy quest... and an awesome reward!

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yay, it was real wasy, took all of 10 mins.


Nice pics, I got a few of me as a gnome saved on the comp.

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