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So Volkv and I were priesting a group of people in UBRS. Volkv needed the first boss and my mother needed Draks blood to get her Onyxia attunement. >.< Yes my mother and father both got there Onxia attunement before me.


So we are sitting ready for the last boss. I am getting a little restless as the last 4 pulls the group has gotten very sloppy. I am ready for this to be over.


My mother being a hunter is going to Kite Drak and the fight is on. My mother is not out the door more than 5 seconds before she is dead. I know what is coming back and we are not ready......


I run to the door shield myself say a prayer and there he is. Drak.... who is much larger when you don't stadn 30 yards away. I thow a shadow word pain on him and pray that minor speed increase on my devout sandals was a wise choice. I am off and running... and losing drak... Oh noes I slow down to make sure he thinks he stands a chance of catching up. So then I see people saying they are ready. I fade and wait and ensure Drak gave up.


He did and it is safe... I go towards the room. I walk in and guess who is tanking the beast... Yup Volkv standing there shielded and just healing himself while people beat the beast.


The beast fell. My mother got the blood and Volkv got his quest and all is well due to the multi talented priests of FP.

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beast? drak?


haha nah... i got it!


that is awesome! reckon you guys wanna main pull and tank bosses in MC sometime? =P

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reckon you guys wanna main pull and tank bosses in MC sometime? =P


I think I tried that once. For about 0.1 seconds.



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