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I guess the story would've been complete if he'd also killed his father. :wink:(Too bad it's from the Weekly World News.) biggrin.gif

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thank god they didnt post my picture... my hair was soooo messed up that night =/




The conversations even got a little racy a couple of times.


Wonder if he still gives his mother a hug when he sees her. :shock:

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I wonder if he's carrying a roll of quarters in his pocket when he does.


I couldnt sport a roll of dimes if I found out me and my mom had talked dirty to each other.

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Man... I feel more sorry for the dad than anyone else.... I mean damn...

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Man... I feel more sorry for the dad than anyone else.... I mean damn...


Well, at least they know they have something in common. Father like son! That was a bad joke. I know smile.gif

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lmao that was funny as hell, as soon as i read the title i burst out laughing biggrin.gif


God i wonder if my mom uses the internet much... *goes to see what mother is doing*


uh.... well on the bright side i dont plan on meeting ne1 i ever talk to on the internet... tongue.gif

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... i just read the title.. I cant read anymore.. its just too much..



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