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So for years i have been saying im the most unlukky guy the world has ever seen; and since i started typing "/random 100" on WoW such feelings have only gotten stronger. (i once rolled a 1/100 three times ina row) But ever since i joined FP my "luck" seems to be turning around; (yah u guys are great biggrin.gif ) on average, ive won exactly 1 epic item per week, which btw took me HOURS to calculate, i mean who knew that being in the guild for 5 weeks and having 5 epics meant that i recieve 1 epic a week? ^_-


Neways, i want to know if i actually am lukky now or if all the talent you guys have is just rubbing off on me; post how many epics u've gotten on average! link ur phat lOOt if u want! this is the one post where ur encouraged to brag! (the one thing in life im good at biggrin.gif ) Not only will u b bragging, u'l b showing all dah world how /famous FP is!


P.S. quest items such as the paragons of power from ZG do NOT count smile.gif

if they did, i would have 7 epics, not 5 tongue.gif




...i still have no idea wut that means...


...God i hope im not saying "down with canada" or something like that...


...i like cheese...

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hmm... I have...


Arcanist Belt

Cenarion Shoulders

Wristguards of Stability


I've been raiding since... March I believe... so that's 38 weeks approximately... so approximately 1 epic every 3 months


But I didn't beat anyone in a roll for any of those... so I'm not sure if you mean for them to count. I even lost the roll on Cenarion Shoulders, Arafelz gave them to me (<3).


Honestly I'm still impressed that I get to roll on epics at all. This was all so far away when we started this journey.


So yeah: 1 per 3 months, on average

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I have I think 7 total. But, I attend almost every raid we have tongue.gif My problem is I always seem to burn a roll and then one of the items that drop next is one I wanted more tongue.gif Krotas, with us only having a limited amount of locks it becomes relativly easy to obtain loot. You guyz just keep showing up, and we won't have to open recruiting for locks and the gear keeps flowing. We have also been pretty lucky as locks that the gear seems to drop relativly often. I got my first piece pre-FP though.... well, sorta I believe aeternum was running with FP at the time I got my first piece tongue.gif Now, if I could just get my pally some halfway decent blues tongue.gif

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"Locks get the gear that seems to be dropping relatively often"!?!?!?!?


Dude! a month ago i had no epics; a dress fora chest piece and an overgrown ring for a hat with +13 stam and intel! the blizzard gods worship locks! lol biggrin.gif


btw i dont think ive missed a raid since i joined 5 weeks ago... been signed up and online every wednesday, friday, saturday and sunday since i was invited biggrin.gif


gogo FP!


and now i truely can say it loud and proud: FPFTMFW!!!!

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3 epics in 4 months.


Really has to do with MC not being so kind to priests in general. Honestly, after I get the robes and shoulders.. I could care less if I get another epic from there.


Sexiness ftw.

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i think of myself pretty lucky for being in FP to begin with, being able to raid with you guys, being liked by some of you, being a class leader, being a councilor


i am not thankful for homework

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i think of myself pretty lucky for being in FP to begin with, being able to raid with you guys, being liked by some of you, being a class leader, being a councilor


i am not thankful for homework


You're offtopic, and unsexy.

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look at the post above mine; then the post above that...


that is exactly why i love this guild and why i truely am lukky just for being in in it with u guys; as erlin said biggrin.gif


now back on topic; MORE BRAGGING!!! tongue.gif

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sorry i noticed the word epic in the title post and was turned off by it so i thought i would psuedo-hyjack this thread with propaganda


i have 5 epic drops i think and 4 crafted epics

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Yea... MC hasnt been the kindest to primary healers but no matter... its a lot of fun raiding and seeing everyone faint when they get an epic.


I've been busy lately and due to time differences i dont raid as much as others but i hv 2 epics that i got in one day i.e. onyxia and a trash mob just before gehennas - that was my lucky day!

I also hv a crafted epic made by the felz0r! <3


I'm not that big on loot... 2+ months ago i never thought i'd ever hv a chance to raid high-end due to time difference, lag and a shitty comp (this will soon change!) but FP has allowed me to accomplish this... i've taken screenies of every raid i've been on with FP including first-time kills for myself as well as the guild and fun moments like the "FP" with blessings of sanctuary! rofl.


I'm just very grateful to say that i've been there and have done it with a group of amazingly awesome uber leet people!

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I feel like the luckiest person in the guild. I won 2 Nightslayer pieces before I was even off probation (way back in the day). I now have 5 Nightslayer and 2 Bloodfang and a Felstriker. One of the Nightslayer is the chest which caused me to bank my Breastplate of Bloodthirst, another epic, and I DEed my Wristguards of Stability, the first epic I ever got in MC on my first run. So I guess all in all I have or have had 10 epic items, many thanks to FP!



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Let's see. I have 0 set piece epics.... I do not even have full devout (I am missing the robe)


I have been in FP for less than a week and I managed to be part of the first group in FP to down Ragnaros.


I am by far the luckiest person.

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bently we are gonna have to give u an epic jsut to get u to stop posting biggrin.gif

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bently we are gonna have to give u an epic jsut to get u to stop posting biggrin.gif


i dont think he'll ever stop, you see he is a just a forum bot that keeps our forums active.

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Yeah giving me a epic :shock: That's just more for me to talk about woot woot

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*cough* /ignore*cough*


This system seem to be working out just fine. I find this to be where the term "casual" comes into play. Although we sometimes tend to be hardcore with the schedule (MC 3 times a week, Ony 1, and a ZG thrown in now and then), everyone seems to be fairly casual and patient about loot. Hell, half the time the winner of a particular item passes to the next person. All seems right in the world.




ps I know that I say this from the perspective of, I believe, the 2nd or 3rd most geared person in the guild. /shakes fist at Ready... Damn Warlock shortage of 'aught 5'!

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