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I just saw Narnia (The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe) last night (midnight showing) and I've got to saw, I was very impressed. I would definately reccomend it. Now I dont remember the book well, so I dont know how well it follows it.




I saw the 4th Harry Potter (The Goblet of Fire ?) this past Sunday. I've got to say of all the Harry Potters , it was my favorite movie. It was darker than the rest, you got a deeper feeling with alot of the characters (which helps us get closer to them). It wasnt confusing at all either, at no point was I ever like

" Who the hell's the bad guy now??...and who's that?? and why does Heliacon have his pants down at a movie with 14 year old wizards???"


I have not read the books so I dont know how well it follows it, but I definately reccomend it.

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Potter was good, but I'm still talking about the Superman Returns trailer. Damn that was good to see on the big screen.

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Yea that was very cool. Thouhg I dont know if I like how it sounded on the preveiw. They almost make it sound like Super-Man was sent to Earth on purpose instead of being sent off because the planet was blowing up.

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That is the original dialog that Marlon Brando recorded for Superman 1 and 2. Bryan Singer dug up all the studio sessions with him so the movie will have the right feel to it. Bryan Singer FTMFW!!!

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Ok, if its in reference of the first two, than thats cool. Plus its sad that Christopher Reeves wont be able to make a cameo in it. (For those of you that dont know for some reason, he died, I can't really remember when.)

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The movie will be dedicated to him, might even say that at the begining of the movie which is almost unheard of today. Its also sad that Brando will not be able to have a cameo either, but maybe they'll squeeze Hackman in there somewhere. I'm very excited to see what Spacey does with the Lex roll.


Oh, and Reeves passed away sometime last Nov or Dec if I remember correctly. I know I was still playing City of Heroes at that time and man those players were great; had organized moments of silence, memories threads, and even a petition to put a tribute statue into the game. Very dedicated people there.

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Harry Potter is ftl!


The books werent my taste even though her storytelling was good i admit...


The movies are crap... goblet of fire is a big big book and the movie had to cut a lot and it felt jumpy.


I wanna watch narnia!! looks good... i hope i dont expect too much when i finally watch it!

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