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FP had another first this morning =D


Somehow we became part of a joint effort between Immo, FP, and some pickups to kill Azuregos. Of course, it was Immo's raid and we couldn't have done it without them (but they could have done it without us). But still! We got to chat with Azuregos! and kill him! and it was fun!


Not to mention Stang got fancy new boots! =D


Show 'em stang =)


Oh, and thanks again Jeager and Immortality for bringnig us along if you read this =) it was great fun (even though he freaking stunlocked me!! =P)


and a 56 hunter has his mature dragon sinew.. CRAZY! .. and Loreil is ftw. As are Pippy and Azune. And anyone else I forgot who I randomly knew on that raid.

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Hahah thats wicked gratz stang and gratz to all you guys that were there. I dont even know what this guy looks like, so if you guys do it again..I am SOOOo there haha


P.S. I know the hunter that got the sinew lol she mesaged me about 20 mins ago and bragged that she got it from some blue dragon lol i asked if it was from the Immo/FP raid and she said yeah haha. Gratz to her to =D

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/target 56hunter



/w 56hunter Congrats!


/target Stangmeister

/w Stangmeister Congrats buddy! Love ya tons!

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Geez Whisp! If it wasn't for your picking flowers you coulda been there too!! Oh wells, next time =D


It was fun guys, but yeah, that stun really sucks!!

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Awesome guys... now that we've had FPs do it... they now know more about this world boss and who knows... mayb one day we'll be able to pull thru with a FP-only raid =)

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