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I know its probably unlikely everyone will read this... but i would love to beable to play with friends wondering who is going to play and republic/empire post here let me know and others so we can maybe connect up on a server

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I can say that I am honestly thinking about it. However reading into some of it I think my system will be a lil underpowered and am gonna truly wait till I can get a few needed upgrades to really consider playing it. Would still like to know where people end up so I may join up with a people I know and like to play with.



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I got a beta invite but the client wouldnt let me log into the game... =\


That being said I watched a few people streaming the beta, and I'll be honest... It looks interesting, but I still have mixed feeling on that one... I did play Galaxies back in the day and although it was buggy as hell I loved that one.... I have a buddy of mine that should be picking it up day 1 right as the stores open, (which might actually be today come to think of it) so I'm just gonna have to make a drive over to his place and check it out...



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I was in the last 3-4 beta weekends and junked out HARDCORE. 10am-3am. No problem!


Love the game. Very casual. The abilities are more than just a *swing* or a *Pew*. Animations really bring the game to life along with the voice over for the storyline. Played four classes to ~20. Each story line was amazing and really got you involved. No class seemed OP. Its very focused at PvP balance. Teamwork will allow you to walk through anything and anyone.


I liked the idea of SWTOR but EA raped the crap outta it. If you liked SWG, you'll probably have a stiffy through all of SWTOR.


Hope to see a bunch of FPers there!


Check the FPFTMFW Facebook thread for which server we are going to try and get together on.

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My Little Pwny will be playing for the Empire on the server Anchorhead (EST PvP)!

Edited by Lyssa

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