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So, yeah, I caved and am currently downloading the patch (4.7GB?! WTF?)


For all the night owls out there, you may see me popping in from time to time. Always happy to help guildies, blah blah blah...


Wait...Is anyone I know still active?

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Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Bout fricking time FiFi. We missed ya buddy. Can't wait to see you online again. S

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Kidding, of course. Yeah! I am active, these guys are, Grom is, and a bunch of retirees are popping back up, too -- Stang and Gynis, Vanin, Gryph, among others.


Welcome back, sir! Enjoy your new and improved, even-more-stupidly-overpowered class! xD

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Welcome back, sir! Enjoy your new and improved, even-more-stupidly-overpowered class! xD

You, sir, are mistaken: I'm not a Manachicken I'm feralololol, so no OP love for me unless someone at blizz completely lost their mind.

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