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So I think that all of us here in FP would consider all of us friends. Even if we don't see eye to eye all of the time. I even believe that extends to the "Old Guard" and the former FP but still FP @ heart. So I thought I would start up a post for all of us to input our Emails so that we could get the RealID system working the way it should. I will be the first.




Add me up if you would like. S



PS. I went and changed all of the ones so far to go with KP's Idea. Thanks man I didn't think of that till now.

Edited by Shean
!'s being i's.

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I'm not certain what this RealID business is about. but. my email is lis@.w@nek@gmail.com


I also thought i'd give a shout out here so our newer members become aware that we DO actually have a facebook group for FP!



Let's get everyone on there who'd like to be connected. =]

Edited by Shean
@'s being a's

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mine is




with the two @'s actually being the letter a. I just dont like posting the email on sites because of bots taking the emails and spamming.


we should get everyone in on this, cuz you guys/gals are about the only reason I really even play the game. because lord knows i really need that 5th lvl 80 character.. lol!

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