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Roleplaying--Thogrum's Story


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Thogrum knelt in the snow of Icecrown Glacier, and stared at the distant spires of Icecrown Citadeal. Finally, he was in sight of it. After years of wandering and searching, he was close to finding out the fate of his brothers. Here was his final goal: The Citedeal. Arthas. Closure. He was so close. Just another few miles.

A crunch and movement behind made him whirl about, instinctivly bringing his beloved sword Reckoning up to block the flashing blade of a Scourage footsoldier, the blue glow of the holes where it's eyes used to be inched from his face. Another rapid parry, and a fast, hard swing came down on the brittle bones of the undead creatures body, and it fell broken into the snow, continuting to reach for him. Thogrum then brought a armored boot down hard on its skull, crushing it, and it ceased moving.

He looked up, and saw the rest of the Scourage patrol about fifteen yards away, waiting, motionless in their tattered remenants of Alliance uniforms and Horde battlegear. He saw their two officers, Humans, exchange a glance. Humans! Collaborators and betrayers of all Azeroth's living beings.

He was, by nature, a calm dwarf, but the deep hatred inside for everything unliving him that had been smouldering burst into bright flame. He reached onto his back, and pulled out his axe. He clenched his weapons tightly in each hand, and roared in fury, and then everything went red.


Suddenly, Thogrum slowly began to realize he was breathing hard, and his ribs hurt like hell. He looked down at his armor...it was coated in grime and snow, and his weapons dripped with something dark. He looked around at the remenants of the Scourage patrol, now strewn around him, not moving.

He looked up at the glacier in front of him, stretching all the way to what he now knew was Corp'Rethar...known as 'The Horror Gate'.

He looked at the thousands, possible hundreds of thousands of undead along the glacier as far as the eye could see. There were mindless wandering undead, and the organized patrols from the Lich Kings army. There were giant skeletons from races now extinct, and horrible abominations made from many other creatures, and brought back by foul magic. . He even saw the dreaded Frostwyrms circling high above. He glanged at the sky. The sun, such as it was, in this frozen land was starting to set, and the wind was picking up. The Icecrown was no place to be at night, and certiantly not alone. He shouldered his weapons, and turned to leave, but not before a last look at the Citdeal.

The dark spires taunted him, as if daring his to come and try. He grinned, and shook his head. Not yet. First, he had to prepare, plan and gain allies. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, or even this year, but he would see that structure burn, Of this he was sure.

Thogrum pulled his cloak tighter around him to ward off the chill, and prepared for the long journey back to the light and warmth of civilization.


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No, my friend. We have seen enough civil war by giving in to the temptation to claim it for our respective factions. Such clains lead to the destruction of many of the Seven Kingdoms, and allowed the horde to sack your fair city of Stormwind and beseige our ancient dwarven stronghold of Ironforge....



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Both of you are losing sight of the important enemy. Make no mistake, I hate the Horde as much as you, but the Lich King will destroy us all. Of course, there's no reason we can't beat the Horde to it... *A slow grin, and the pale blue light behind the eyes flashes*

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