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OMG! Hi guys! I thought I would post some pics of some of the snakes I've had over the years. Yesterday when I went to go get feeders, some peeps sounded interested in what I have had, so I thought I would share. :-)


This is Kaliya and my friend Jesse. I traded her to him for Isis. Kaliya is an albino patternless Burmese Python. In the pic she was around 10 feet, I believe.




This is Isis when I got her--notice her freaking GORGEOUS colors! :-)




And this is her a few feet later, hee-hee




This is one of my favorite shots of Isis.




This is Lamia--when she decided to take a peek out the window! It was super Hilarious! (That's when Enigami and I were roomies!) :-) (Oh, and Mia was around 12 feet in these pics)

(Lamia was donated to a reptile rescue that does educational shows)









And last but not least, Radha. :-) I ended up trading Isis for Radha. Radha is the only snake I have for now. But she's super sweet. She is a Reticulated Python, her color morph is Striped Tiger, and she is 50% possible het albino.









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I'm not sure how cards are traded, but I am thinking it is kind of like trading cars. :-) When I traded Kaliya for Isis, Kaliya was worth $500, and Isis was worth the same, even though she was a baby. And when I traded Isis for Radha, it was similar. Once Isis breeds, and has babies, I will get pick of the litter (of an albino or albino tiger--which ever I choose) and that will complete the trade for Isis. Isis is 15 feet now, weighing about 120 pounds, and worth about $500 now. So once I get a baby from her, the trade will be even. :-)


And I am SUPER excited about an albino or albino tiger Retic. They are stunning. :-)

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A quick question; are you allowed to have snakes that big in your condo?

Edited by Aigle

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what the condo people do not know will not hurt them. hee-hee


Oh, and Radha is the only snake I have right now, and she is only about 4 feet or so. So she's not that big. :-)

Edited by Sanctity

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