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I'm looking to run a full 10 man naxx this sunday. This isnt a run to gear up alts but for mains to improve their gear so i want to do this right.


This is what i need for the run:

4 Dps, atleast 2 ranged, No more rogues (sorry :/)

3 Healers

1 Off-Tanks

1 Main-Tank


As for the gear requirement im making the request that everyone who wants to go have all lvl 80 wotlk gear, with atleast 5 or 6 epics from heroics/raids/badge loots. DPS should be able to do 2k+ Dps or near it for us to be able to do this right. Also please have a PvE spec... i've respecced for PvE so i ask that you do 2 :)


Run will be at 1:00 PM server time on sunday the 18th.


If you can go on a different time on sunday let me know what time and i may move the time around based on who can go at what time.

Edited by Wintress

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This is what i need for the run:

4 Dps, atleast 2 ranged, No more rogues (sorry :/)

3 Healers

1 Off-Tanks

1 Main-Tank


Q, your very serious raid has a very serious math problem.

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If you assume that he's counting himself amongst what he has, and not as "what he needs" then his math works out just fine.



9 + Qbert = 10man raid.



Logic fail.

Edited by Ecthelion

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If you assume that he's counting himself amongst what he has, and not as "what he needs" then his math works out just fine.



9 + Qbert = 10man raid.



Logic fail.


Matt = Fail

Dunc = Fail


Now stop cluttering up my signups and come to naxx you 2!!!

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I'll try and make it for'y Q.

I can't completely obligate though:[


If Dude needs me I'm going to end up taking their run instead most likely, but otherwise, I'm down.

I demand a tank who can withstand mah beastness.

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