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Mages (blast wave and living bomb) and druids (typhoon or whatever) can do it too. I know the mage one can dismount people trying to get in that area too.

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i would do this all day

^ This ^ :laugh:


Kinda sucks they are hot fixing. It's the 'unintended consequences' of game mechanics that make the game worth playing.

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^ This ^ :laugh:


Kinda sucks they are hot fixing. It's the 'unintended consequences' of game mechanics that make the game worth playing.


Like the reckoning bomb? Haha.

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Like the reckoning bomb? Haha.



Is that the thing that's the reason my little warlock and priest are on top of the IF auction house? I think it was Rosh that exploded and blew Saisho and Rondale up there.. and then we had Sakx come in to IF and kill some of our lowbies in rezzing distance. I think Ghostie still has an alt up there too. =)


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The Reckoning Bomb is a little different. I'm not sure of the exact mechanics because I think they fixed it before I started playing. I think involved a pally stacking an ungodly number of charges from Reckoning on himself and then basically 1 shotting 40 man raid bosses, as seen here:

Edited by Daghostmaker

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The Reckoning Bomb is a little different. I'm not sure of the exact mechanics because I think they fixed it before I started playing. I think involved a pally stacking an ungodly number of charges from Reckoning on himself and then basically 1 shotting 40 man raid bosses, as seen here:

I was hot fixed within 24hours after that video was released. It took that pally dueling a rogue all day, and I think they broke 3 grey daggers to stack up enough charges to kill him.


For those that don't know when it was fixed they capped the amount of charges you could store to 4 total. This is still my favorite pally spec of all time. Nothing quite like taking tons of shit from randomg crit happy classes, to just turn around and 2 shot them.

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