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How much gold is everybody taking in to WotLK?

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I'd kill for there to be an automatic deposit from a fraction of whenever i pick up gold to a secondary character just so i don't go spend-happy on my main.


like keep the change from bank of america!

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Honestly, there's not much left to spend money on until Wrath. I will go in with about 2k, but I haven't been actively saving or trying to earn money.

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like keep the change from bank of america!

I was gonna say WAMU's monthly "Savings Account Initiative" but then again WAMU is doing horribad in the current market :3

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maybe 1k? whatever i have at the time.


If i want to buy something I'll daily until i can buy it then ill coast along again until i see something else i want. Daily'ing feels like gold farming and it gets so monotanous. Rather than do dailies, i just level my alts. feels more productive.

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you see, there's this thing in game, you might've heard of it. it's called a GUILD BANK. i hear it's pretty useful.


You see, the Guild Vault is great and all for donation acceptance but it's usefulness ends there. We get very little storage and control over it's functionality. . . . Have you seen the Guild Master UI control? It's very lame.


Utilizing the Guild Vault would just be a hassle, it is easier to store most of the money on the bank toons. I get a lot fewer requests for gold that way.


The bank system in FP has a lot of transparency, but if you could read a recent story in the Members forum you'd see that too much transparency just creates needless drama (especially with high value items and gold).


When Stang, Gynis and whomever is above me tell me how to spend guild money or use items I just do it and nobody gets to complain about it (I complain a lot in those cases anyway) . . . the average member doesn't see everything that happens. That is a great thing for me, I don't get micromanaged for silly things that in the long run don't matter.


Our Guild Bank has been able to meet lofty goals that have helped the guild out and we are able to provide an item service to the members that is easy and fair to use (as long as they are informed of how to use it, read the stickies in the Bank forum).


So, in my opinion, combining all your toon's gold stash might be a good idea but it is more trouble and drama than it's worth, for me at least.

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