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How much gold is everybody taking in to WotLK?

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How much gold is everybody taking into WotLK? I'm really wondering how much I should roughly take.

Edited by Trenton

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I only have a little over 5k, and probably won't get more than 6 or 7k by wotlk because I don't feel like it/need it. As far as I know you won't need any large sums for wrath except 1k for cold weather riding at 67.

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should be around 30K-ish when WotLK comes out


Shiki, can i have your gold?


Just kidding <3


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the mammoth is 20K I'm not sure if I'll get it or not. Depends on how easy gold is to get and how much time I feel like wasting :D

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I'll have over 40k by then . . . not mine of course but i'll be in charge of it still.

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#1 - wtf are you hoarders doing?!

#2 - they should have gold an account thing between toons. One purse for all the alts.

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prolly a little over 5k gold


dailies man, do them....daily and you can get 2k a week, thats a 7 day weeks and all 25 dailies.

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#1 - wtf are you hoarders doing?!

#2 - they should have gold an account thing between toons. One purse for all the alts.


This wouldn't work for me, I don't want to mix Guild funds and my funds together. It'd be a pain to calculate what I'm spending for myself versus what I'm spending for the guild =/

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expensive as in two bits or as in 200 an hour?

Edited by loofa

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Shiki, go ahead and send your gold to Andrie...you know why..


I'm actually saving my gold for a good plastic surgeon to replace my missing tentacles

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This wouldn't work for me, I don't want to mix Guild funds and my funds together. It'd be a pain to calculate what I'm spending for myself versus what I'm spending for the guild =/

you see, there's this thing in game, you might've heard of it. it's called a GUILD BANK. i hear it's pretty useful.

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#2 - they should have gold an account thing between toons. One purse for all the alts.


my bag mod tells me how much gold i have across the server

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I have been PvPing a lot lately. I also hate the repetition of dailies so I'm poor like 700g. But gold with dailies is never an issue.

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I'm so poor its ridiculous, I have 300g and no epic mount><

That's the man for ya...Always beatin' a brotha down.

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I'd kill for there to be an automatic deposit from a fraction of whenever i pick up gold to a secondary character just so i don't go spend-happy on my main.

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