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Amidoingitrite Honki? :>

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Speaking of BBC - I forgot Doctor Who! (And spinnoff Torchwood)

For a minute there I was wondering if I was the only person following the new Dr. Who... Damn, you people are missing out!


Torchwood, Lost, BSG, Um...The Daily Show :P

Mostly watch my series online or via netflix these days. The only real 'television' I watch is PBS (lol @ people who pay to have cable).

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Man.. heroes is really mad confusing right now.


As for other shows I recommend watching:


Code Geass (it's an anime for people who like that stuff)

Gantz - (Another anime full of gory delight)




Family Guy

Connan o Brien

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

The Colbert Report

Salute Your Shorts

I think a new show on NBC came out this week called My Own Worst Enemy, which looks neat.


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For a minute there I was wondering if I was the only person following the new Dr. Who... Damn, you people are missing out!

You seen the guy who supposedly replacing David Tennant? Some guy named Paterson Joseph (pic below). Bill Nighy has said he would like the role if it was offered. He'd be great at it.


Also, Patrick Stewart is suppose to be in the next season playing another Time Lord.



Edited by Hykos

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Speaking of BBC - I forgot Doctor Who! (And spinnoff Torchwood)


Mucho amusing :)


And Supernatural! And Stargate fo sho, and I'm giving the new Sanctuary (starring a disconcertingly brunette Amanda Tapping) a try.


And Poker After Dark!

I completely forgot about Dr Who and it's spinoffs. Probably 'cause I'm wainting on new episodes to reach these shores. When Who is on it's something I watch on Friday religiously, just too much fun.


I can't get into Sanctuary, Amanda Tapping doing a bad "british" accent just kills it for me. That and the greenscreen sets. The whole time I'm watching an episode I can't help but stare at all the obvious cgi sets, and then I get sad. =(

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Boston Legal, House, Ultimate Fighter.


Hykos, please never mention American Top Gear again. I still need to redo my cable so I get BBC. F! Charter.

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He's such the perfect Doctor that losing him will makez me a sad panda =((((

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Hykos, please never mention American Top Gear again. I still need to redo my cable so I get BBC. F! Charter.


It hasn't even aired yet. Why the hate?


*looks at hosts*





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Ya, it just isn't going to work. The current Top Gear is as good as it can get for a car show. And the Brit hosts top it all off.

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Yes there is nothing better than watching Jeremy Clarkson get boners over stupid cars and sh!t all over anything American excluding the CTS-V.


Also he hates motorcycles, yet somehow it is ok for him to drive a scooter.


Still the best car show ever, though.



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Yes there is nothing better than watching Jeremy Clarkson get boners over stupid cars and sh!t all over anything American excluding the CTS-V.


Also he hates motorcycles, yet somehow it is ok for him to drive a scooter.


Still the best car show ever, though.

He really liked the Crossfire convertable too, and the Ford GT. =P


Honestly though I'm glad that they're calling us out on the cars we make. It's the only way that our auto industry is going to get it's head out of it's ass and start producing quality automobiles.


Like the new Camaros that are coming out. This thing SCREAMS awesome, and I can't wait for them to revew it. (The SS having that much horsepower with IRS gives me a 6ft boner) It's just so musclecar, and done really freaking well from what I've seen.

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6ft boner


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"I genuinely believe that some machines have a soul and I can’t bear to think of my Ford sitting in a warehouse now, unloved and unwanted. It is fine. It is perfect. It knows it’s a great, great car that was ruined by a useless ape who fitted a crummy aftermarket alarm system."


He still loves the car =P

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With the amount of money he has, seems like fitting an alternative car alarm wouldnt be such a big deal.

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Dude, you all should watch the Big Bang Theory. Its about these two physicists and their life living across the hall from a smoking hot blonde. Cracks me up to no end, but its still one of those where you feel kinda bad for understanding all the jokes haha

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Dude, you all should watch the Big Bang Theory. Its about these two physicists and their life living across the hall from a smoking hot blonde. Cracks me up to no end, but its still one of those where you feel kinda bad for understanding all the jokes haha


Yes! I saw one episode and that may have been the most I've laughed. Ever. Except for Arrested Development, may it R.I.P. ='(


I've been meaning to pick up Sns1&2 of Always Sunny... just haven't done it yet. I have Sn1 of Dexter, so that'll make my viewing itinerary soon, too. But catching up on Fringe made me realize one thing I left out: "The JJ Abrams Affect" - mystery, lots and lots of questions and #$&* all for answers. I'm diggin' it though.


Currently trying to decide if i want to post in Joey's "Lost" thread..... nope, that junk makes me write too damned much. -_-

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yep big bang theory is really funny


o and smallville and watever they show in the poker room in casinos

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Speaking of BBC - I forgot Doctor Who! (And spinnoff Torchwood)


Mucho amusing :)


And Supernatural! And Stargate fo sho, and I'm giving the new Sanctuary (starring a disconcertingly brunette Amanda Tapping) a try.


And Poker After Dark!

I'm with you on that one.. Dr Who and Tourchwood are great!! (The Sara Jane Adventures... not so much)


I had a british buddy of mine live with me for about 3 months and got me addicted to those...


The only problem, the British only run a 13 episode season, and it usually doesnt air in the states until close to a year later if at all... (Thankfully due to the magic of the inter-webz I can usually have it DLed within a few hours of it running live...)



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