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BioWare, LucasArts Unveiling MMO on October 21

Press invitation lends further credence to the all-but-confirmed Star Wars MMO rumor.

By Kris Pigna, 10/08/2008

Invite image


Over the weekend, rumors emerged that BioWare and LucasArts were set to unveil their MMO set in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic universe within the next 30 days, and now confirmation has come straight from the developers...almost. As Massively reports, BioWare has sent out invitations (front pictured above, back pictured below) to various press outlets inviting them to the unveiling, on October 21, of "the game that's been rumored about for years."


While at no point on the invite do the words "Star Wars" seem to appear (although portions of the invite have been blurred out), we're still pretty confident this will finally be the first public showing of one of the worst-kept secrets in the industry. In fact, Massively have even confidently stated they expect the game's title to be Star Wars: The Old Republic.


This official invitation follows a report from the U.K. paper The Daily Star, where a columnist announced they'd be visiting LucasArts' San Francisco offices for an exclusive look at what they reported as an "MMO of Knights of the Old Republic." And if that's not enough of a near-confirmation for you, recall that Electronic Arts CEO John Riccitiello himself once slipped a confirmation that BioWare was working on a Star Wars MMO (EA, of course, being BioWare's parent company). So unless this has all been a really, really elaborate head-fake, it's safe to assume we'll be looking at BioWare's take on a Star Wars MMO in two weeks.

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That first picture looks like Tron and Magister's Terrace hooked up. I will never play another MMO but if I did, it would be a Star Wars one.

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