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Hey folks,


Just giving a heads up for a Kael'thas raid which I will be running on Friday August 1st at 7:30PM EST. Last week we tried, and were very successful with some harder bosses so I figure we can try the big boy on Friday.


Information on the raid is here:




Rules are generally the same, though I am being a bit more strict with gearing and experience. Additionally, FKP will not be used due to some complaints I have received with it, as well as it not being very effective.


Loot will be RTU with the caveats I posted in the above link. If you are interested in going, either get in touch with me in-game, post here, or post in the thread on the vindguild.net forums.



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i want to go but i've never done kael so i guess i cant.

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I'd like to help - CoH priest, regular FP raider with 2100 healing unbuffed. It's a fun fight! :)


(Availability is subject to weather - If it's really nice out I may be at the beach!)

Edited by Fatherpeteus

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I'm definetly down for bringing my BM hunter. also if we were to need a druid healer, my gear is a lil lacking but if need be we could bring her. :)

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