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I am going to be putting together an SSC raid to try to start the Attunement questline with Fathom Lord tomorrow night at 7:30PM EST. As FP and Vind has always been semi-partners with this sort of thing I figured I would post here to try to give some people some heads up and what not.


It will be done via FKP, but FKP only applies to T5, meaning all non-T5 tokens will be by RTU rules.




Post either in this thread, and/or post on our forums if you feel like signing up for them!






Edited by Mithrandir

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I don't agree with some of the pug vind raids. Only allowing vind members to roll on items that the rest of the pug cannot isn't my idea of a fair instance.

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Thats not at all what we do. We roll on FKP points which anyone can sign up for (if they take the time to sign up for it). FKP isn't guild specific, it is open to anyone who comes on our raids, and there are many FP members with good amounts of points.


And even then, we only use FKP for T5 tokens and very specific items which some people might want to save up for. Everything else is RTU...


The system was made so if someone wants only one item and came to every raid, they would not loose that item to a pug who was there for the first time.

Edited by Mithrandir

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I'm interested... But to be all honest and stuff, I wouldn't go for that deal unless the rest of the raid was similarly geared to me.


I don't mind helping guildies who don't happen to have the opportunity to get T6 gear... But to have the raid leader turn around and tell the overgeared helpers that they don't deserve the one useful thing that drops for me there, would be a deal I might not have the stomach for.


Yaknow what I mean? To tell the overgeared people who probably kindof carried the group that they don't get to roll on the one or two piece of nice gear that drops (Tsunami Talisman or whatever), when it would never have dropped without their help... Meh.


Maybe the Vind semi-pugs have improved since the last one I did with them, but that time Father and one Vind main did more effective healing than the other 5 or 6 healers combined :pinch: After their green-geared alts wiped us 4 or 5 times on Mag, it was a little annoying to have the raid leader declare that he was going to claim the one good drop himself because surprise surprise he had the most points.

Nice deal if you can get 24 people to agree to it I guess! :)


About the Karathress quest starter - We could just find someone who has a saved instance with him down and walk in and talk to the NPC, couldn't we? Or does the NPC despawn?


Father does need that, and much more importantly the damn Vials off Kael and Vashj. Exalted with Hyjal and no ring, ftl :(


Anyway, I don't mean to dump on your idea - I just had a bad experience with those guys I suppose :)


An FP Vashj (or Kael) kill, I'm 100% down for any time! And if some Vind people want to come along - They can roll for the loot on an equal basis IMO, because I would appreciate their help.



Edit - Now that I think about it, I'm actually saved to SSC this week I think, first time I've been in the instance for a couple of months ^^

Went with a really strong PuG who one-shot Lurker and nearly one-shot Tidewalker, but had to quit because we started late. I wonder if they ever went back and cleared Fathom-Lord? I should check that tomorrow...

Edited by Fatherpeteus

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But see thats the exact reason the point system exists.


Lets say for example, you are a T6 geared rogue who wants the Dragonspine Trophy and nothing else from Gruul's lair. You go on 5-6 Gruul runs and do not loot anything, awaiting the item to drop. Everyone else in the raid, mostly non-raiders and alts, are constantly looting T4 and other items on these raids.


Finally, the DST drops on the 7th raid which you are in.


With regular RTU, you have to compete for that item against 5-6 other melee based alts and non-raiders who have looted items which are the direct result of you helping them out.


With FKP, they took a point hit for each item of T4 and what not they looted, items which to you are trash. Therefore, since you have looted and gained nothing else from Gruul, you have the most points and are able to loot the item without any resistance (and deservingly so).


You use the example of me looting the Eye of Mag based upon points in the raid, but what you didn't see is that I have been on (and subsequently led) approximately 15-20 Mag, Gruul, and SSC raids where I essentially did not need anything, and looted next to nothing. The point system was put into place to give those who raid with us constantly a chance to secure items against people who are there for the first time. Anyone is open to gain points themselves and loot items via points, they just have to earn it more then everyone else like any other point system.


That being said, I know the FKP system is a bit flawed. It was originally meant to be a way to inhibit a raiding group which would (hopefully) be made up of the same people between FP and vind. However, that never materialized mostly, and it became more of a pain when dealing with pugs who generally never got involved with such.


I will take a poll before the raid tonight and see if people give a shit about it, if not, it isnt that big a deal for me at this point.

Edited by Mithrandir

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Yeah, I know where you are coming from. I don't have any problem with you using the system. If it works for you, that's fine - It just doesn't work for me is all. Kill point systems really only work for a group who are at a similar place in progression IMO.


The T6-geared helpers probably aren't going to come back week after week - They are just there to help you succeed that night. So imo it might help you get more help if you just RTU stuff.

'Course, if you have a good group of regs who like the system, by all means don't fix it if it ain't broke! :tongue:


And if you need help at Karathress or Vashj, if I'm around I'm happy to help to get my quests done. :)

Edited by Fatherpeteus

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Overall, this went really well!! One-shotting Karathress ftw. T5 pants, also ftw. =D


Thanks Mith, let's do it more often!

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