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LOL...machines should never be in front of a mirror if a free weight station could be positioned there.


Yeah, I look at myself while I lift....for technique...ya know....I swear.


/runs to the mirror and flexes

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please don't use machines... ugh

you're missing all the stabilizer muscles by skipping out of free weights.

drop the thigh machines, do some barbell squats and get some serious results.


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please don't use machines... ugh

you're missing all the stabilizer muscles by skipping out of free weights.

drop the thigh machines, do some barbell squats and get some serious results.


The only reason I ever used the smith machine was I never had anyone around to spot me =/

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  • 4 months later...

Time for an update, wheee.


Finally started getting back in the swing of things after finals and mouf surgery. Squat has been my biggest weakness so I've been focusing on that.


New PRs:

Squat: 335 x 3

Deadlift: 405 x 1

Bench: 265 x 3


Somehow I dropped from 225 to 218 but got stronger. Probably due to CNS improvements.


Normally I don't like to buy from GNC, but they were running a buy one, get 50% off plus gold card discount deal. Got a tub of BSN Syntha-6 in cookie dough flavor.

Without a doubt, its the best tasting protein I've had. Highly recommended if you're tired of crap taste and can find a decent deal.

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I've been doing the P90X workouts lately(minus the leg stuff since I blew out my knee) and it is awesome! If you know anyone with the DVDs I highly recommend burning copies and trying it out. The 19 minute ab workout makes me puke every time...I love it!


Edit: BTW grats on the PRs!

Edited by Beckbristow

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Yeah I need to spend some more time on ab stuff. Today I did planks and some front squats. I'll judge how well that worked out from how sore I am tomorrow...

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Planks :shudder:


Surely one of God's more cruel inventions.

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hey i use p90x too, that stuff is hard man. tony kicks my ass, and yes ab ripper x will kill you.


im like yea i can do an hour of core synergistics, then with 20 mins left im like i'll have to get back to you tomorrow tony.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For the past year and a half or so, i've been working on a largescale routine that covers 4 days a week of weightlifting, usually 2-3 hours per session. My main focus has been to try and lose as much fatweight as possible, while maintaining the maximum amount of strength.


Up to date, i weigh 181 pounds.


Bench (always varies, I do about 7-8 different chest/bench workouts) 210 6 sets 8x


Power cleans - (not so much anymore, strains my wrists) 205 3 sets 5x


Squats - 405 4 sets, 15x (YEA LEG STRENGTH)


Deadlifting - no clue anymore, too much time invested in other things.


My main goal is to lose another 10 pounds, while going up at least 15 pounds in bench, 50 pounds in squats, and bringing my mile time back down to about 6-6:30 average again.


Anyone who has exercised regularly will know that gaining strength while losing weight is a particularly difficult task... but i can only try! :-D

Edited by Anarchos

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whats your body fat % and height?


my lowest was around 6-7% i weighed about 175 and im only about 5'6". i never really did intense strength training just enough to keep me toned. probably just a bit over half of the weight you lift


from your routine it sounds like you're pretty lean already, im skepticle you'll acheive your main goal just from what i know or think i know. im not a doctor or a physical trainer so like you said the only thing you can do is try. don't hurt yourself, hernias are not good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Are you taking any supplements, i.e. protein, creatine, etc? If you want to maximize your gains, you should be consuming 1g of protein per lb body weight each day. Turns out when you weigh 230 this is really hard to do haha...


I'm really confused at the moment guys... >.<


I need some help. I currently weigh 250 lbs. I'm currently doing weight lifting 4 days a week. I see some other guys using protein and I'm wondering if I should go on it due to the facts that if I did, I would be huge. Any opinions?


Also, I'm not like... 250 lbs of fat. >.> If you saw me, I'd look normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...



What are your leg workouts like? I'd really like to up my squat, and 405 x 15 x 4 is pretty redonk. Damn my long dancer's legs.

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What are your leg workouts like? I'd really like to up my squat, and 405 x 15 x 4 is pretty redonk. Damn my long dancer's legs.


That's hella beast...


I'm a weak soab. Just started working out a while ago. Doing 95 on Bench 8)

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That's hella beast...


I'm a weak soab. Just started working out a while ago. Doing 95 on Bench 8)


Update on my goal and where i stand atm!


I am now benching 215 (getting ready to hit 220) 8x for 6 sets.


My squat is now at my goal of 450 (yaaay!) doing 4x15 (except i can sometimes only do 12-13 on my 4th...still getting used to the weight)


And i now weigh 178 pounds...so so far, so good.


In terms of what I do for leg workouts, to answer your question, i keep it relatively simple. I jog (10-30 minutes, depending), i do squats, and sometimes lunges or calf raises.


Some advice - DONT do leg-lifts (terrible for your knees!). Don't do squats unless you've had someone train you on the methods, and don't do heavy leg workouts the same day you do heavy upper-body workouts.

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