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*rolls around in cilantro lime rice*

errrrrr..... >.>




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Did rack pulls today, which are basically deadlifts from knee level. Managed to pull 455 x 3 for two sets, failed on 495. Hopefully I can translate this into a heavier deadlift...

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im a gym rat too =P


HIIT 2-3 days

weightlifting 4 days


stackn cell tech and nitro tech and hydroxycut hardcore


it all works. i can sit here and tell u wat works and not works but no...go to bodybuilding.com for all info

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Continue to purchase copious amounts of supplements. The money basically goes right into my pocket <3

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Continue to purchase copious amounts of supplements. The money basically goes right into my pocket <3



thats how you do it? cut me in bro...

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I assure you 20+ other people are already cut in. Any more and then you'll be taxed more than you make.

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Remind me which part of playing wow requires bulging toned muscles? =(

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  • 1 month later...

Thought I would update this, as I just got back from the gym...


Here are my new PR's:

Bench: 265 x 1

Squat: 315 x 1, felt easy 0_o

Deadlift: I don't wanna talk about it



Anybody else have progress they want to share?

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Don't really have any numbers to add here. Heavier weights --> more muscle --> me heavier != what i want.


But! Since June 1 I am down 3.5% body fat. :jiggles belly:

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Just got home and am going to start lifting again... i won't be able to post numbers until school starts back up and i get access to the gym. I can't do any maxes on the bowflex :/

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  • 1 month later...

Nice dude. I haven't had a noteworthy gym day in a while. It's always good to put up a personal best. I think I've plateaued a little, so I'm going to have to mix up my workout again.

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In a word, yes. There a numerous ways to measure or analyze weightlifting. It really depends on what you are going for; pure strength, endurance, size....the list goes on and on. A single rep max gives you a tangible "no shit" number for how much steel you can jack. I've done multiple rep maxes where there is some convoluted mathematical equation that calculates your "max", I've done rep-outs with a certain weight to get an endurance max, body-weight percentage based multiple rep maxes that claim to be more accurate, one-rep max in relation to body-weight, but the only way to legitmately see the absolute maximum amount of weight you can lift is to do a one-rep free weight max. Unless you're competing it's really just a confidence/ego boost, but it's still the most base type of lift there is.

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I stick with machines, makes me feel a lot more stable. Feels a lot more scientific, or something.

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slowly integrate these machines into your human flesh and it will be very scientific

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They moved the thigh abductor and adductor into the corner, away from the mirror. I feel that I may be the cause of this.

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