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Well guys it's time I did something about this. The game has been out for over a year now, and still no epic flyer! As my business is growing, and I am working later and later, I have no time to farm! So! I am selling signatures! Yes!


Customized, exciting signatures! Pricing will depend on detail and how extravagant your request is.

I am very open, and obviously can do a lot of things. So let me know!

Turn around time is something like 48 hours. I don't mean to step on any toes, its just that I can make sig's at work, and still attain my epic flyer!


So let me know!

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I can't Lie. I've done this before. When Lucid was originally clearing MC and we needed Fire Resist, I bought 2k gold to use to get exhalted with Thorium Brotherhood. I then hooked up with a "Chinese" farmer who sold me stacks of Ore for much less than the AH. So, in turn, I bought gold from one farmer, then gave it directly back to another to sell to someone else. Lawl.


Anyways, back then, I don't think it was monitored very closely. Now, from what I've heard Blizzard is taking large steps to eliminate gold farming and selling. This is a large percentage of the reason that gold transfers by in-game mail now take 1 hour to arrive. It gives them time to examine the transaction after it's flagged, because the amount exceeds their flagging criteria.


Recieving gold from an online farmer is actually a banable offense, so if you choose to do it, be careful. I've also heard of people buying gold, and then having it removed from their character by GMs. I think there have actually been some people who've bought gold, and then had their epic mounts or other items they used the gold for removed as well.

Edited by ilDuce

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Don't buy gold, it's lame.


But more than that, how can you justify spending hundreds of dollars on a virtual item?


I am leagues away from ever having my epic flyer, but I just do my dailies, sell some enchants, quest, etc, whenever I find the extra time. I'll get it eventually, and you can too.

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I'll support you in this endeavor Dal. I wouldn't mind another sig highlighting my rogue, and I'll pay you with in-game gold, since I'm not poor. What should be my next step?

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Not very close at all! Maybe 500g? I'm considering buying gold but..thats lame. Right?

Just go back and do all the Outland quests you skipped. I made about 3k in 2 weeks of *CASUAL* questing (like maybe 1-2 hours a day).

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I wanted an epic mount, so what did I do? I leveled another of my 60s to 70 and did every, single quest in Outland. By hoarding the gold (staying away from the AH and enchants/expensive gems/etc), and this was before the daily quests were introduced. Now it's even easier with the dailys.

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How close are you? lawl i ask boys that all the time ;)

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Your best bet is to do your dailies... daily and corner a certain market on the AH. My druid had a stranglehold over the Small Radiant Shard market and the Large Brilliant Shard markets to get my flyer. On my alt Priest, im close to an epic flyer through Mystic Spellthreads and Robes of Arcana, plus having two sets of dailies helps a ton.


How close are you? lawl i ask boys that all the time ;)


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