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This week we took out Luci, Mag, and Gehennas on joint runs with Enlighten... we have improved ridiculously since our first runs a few months ago and are moving briskly along now smile.gif


Now if only we could find some warlocks so we could advance past Garr >:o


Thanks to everyone who came, it was a lot of fun smile.gif

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omg, im halfway there with my lock, seriously, it should be mandantory that all warriors swap out after gehannas to a lock since you can banish all the adds.

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Shoop decrees that all warriors save Gryph must shapeshift into warlocks for the Garr fight!

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Awsome job guys!


Sorry about having to bail like that. I got Parental Aggro, and had to do a bunch of stuff for them sad.gif

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Holy Hell!! Wow that is really awesome guys!! I'm sorry I was unable to attend...windows needed reinstalled and I let a friend borrow my game disks a while ago, so I was unable to reinstall the game immediately. I wish I was there to be a part of the victory :cry: Anyways I hope to be there on the next run! FPFTMFW!! W00T biggrin.gif

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That's ok Xinia, I got you beat...


I had the chance to go but passed it up as they were leaving IF, cause I was so crazy tired I was falling asleep in front of the computer... sad.gif

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I've tried those and they all taste like crap, hell now when I smell it because someone else is drinking it I feel like I'm gonna gag.

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