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Holy Two-headed Girl Batman!


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Oh come on Stang, you know you'd love a guy with two heads......

Edited by dragonlgnd

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No, we're pretty much being jerks!


I didn't actually watch the video, so I could be being super insensitive! (Dont watch Youtube at work!)

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Having fun at the expense of handicapped people goes beyond being a jerk IMO. But whatever, continue having your fun and making comments about people whose life is so much harder than your own. I'm gonna go get some advil.

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I was mostly commenting on Stang's pic and the turtle (come on man, you know it owns!), but that does not in any way suggest I'm not a jerk.

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Would you really classify them as handicapped? Would they want to be classified as such? I think you're the asshole Brandon : P

I didn't post this because OMG LOOK AT THEM LOLOLOL

I posted it because it's an incredible case of conjoined twins. It's not every day you see a body walking around with two heads... much less on a human!

I can't even begin to imagine how hard their lives must be. But look at how well they get along. Even with opposite persons controlling each limb, they manage to function just as a normal person would. Try typing on your keyboard where you can only hit the keys on the right side and your buddy can only hit the keys on the left. It's damn near impossible... and yet they manage it with incredible speed.

Absolutely mind blowing.

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Isn't it relatively rare that there's separate control? I always thought that in the case of conjoined twins, only one had major motor movements (or at least most of them).

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This is what nightmares are made of...


I dont know whats worse, the fact that they have 2 heads or that they are laughing about it (from what i can see, no audio)

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If they can make out with each other, I'd probably hit it.


Thats good thinking! I like and agree w/ your opinions, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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Thats good thinking! I like and agree w/ your opinions, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


I think we both subscribe to the same stuff. [And in other news I'm disappointed in the animated smiley selection xD]

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I think we both subscribe to the same stuff. [And in other news I'm disappointed in the animated smiley selection xD]

I find most forum smiley selections are so limited they make me wanna http://portal.digicode.com/~me/humor/barf.gif


FP's is actually better than many...

Edited by Feanore

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