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  10. Crow

    Do you gank?!?

    Sunday morning I got up good an early to beat the lag and kill steeling and decided to get a few more Marks of Honor Holds (after taking what can only be described as a 3 hour nap). I am all set to cap my 3rd tower for the repeatable quest to cap the three towers in Hellfire peninsula (the bar was in the gray) when I see something off in the distance, it's a flying mount coming straight for me. So the hunter lands, I fear, dot, hit all trinkets, Mindblast, smite PWD kill him. I am so proud of my self for killing a lvl 70 hunter when I was lvl 63. I complete the cap and go back to do it one more time. On my way back to the towers I was met by my flying hunter friend and two others on flying mounts. They proceeded to follow me around the zone, killing me at least a half dozen times until I assembled a group of 7 or 8 lvl 62s to help defend the zone from their reign of evil. Ah wow at 6:30 AM on a Sunday is so fun. (actually it was the most fun I have had to date in the game.) After we figured out that you get honor marks from killing we moved the fights into the towers. Tons of horde and alliance showed up. In little under an hour I collected 65 Honor tokens and got my new uber wand and trinket of awesomeness from the Honor Mark turn in dude in the swamps. I think ganking is fine, it happens. Nothing pisses me off more than when an alliance steels some mob I was camping for a quest. At least if a horde tries he either has to kill me 1st or I get to kill him and my mob.
  11. Crow

    The Dumb Table

    Blame the tank, that's what everyone else does.
  12. Crow

    The Dumb Table

    Fade only removes a specific amount of threat for 8 seconds and then whatever it reduced, it applies back after the 8 seconds is up. The priest still generates threat as normal while in fade. It will not reduce threat to negitive (I don't even think threat can be negitive) so there must be other players on the agro list inorder for fade to do anything at all. Example: Warriorguy has 1000 Threat Roguedude has 888 Threat Priestgirl has 955 Threat Then Priestgirl lands a critical heal adding 500 to her threat, she gets agro and hits fade. Prior to fade Warriorguy 1000 Rouguedude 888 Priestgirl 1455 After fade (assuming that fade reduces 500 Threat, no one really knows how much the tempory reduciton is for). W: 1000 R: 888 P: 955 If the priest does nothing while fade is active the warrior will have 8 seconds to build his threat up 1456 points or once fade is done the priest will regain agro. If the preist continues to cast spells and such during the fade effect, those spells will add to her 955 threat. Once the the 8 sec fade is complete, the Priests agro will be increased by the exact amount it was decreased by 8 seconds earlier. (In our example 500 threat.) So if the peist while in fade, generated an additional 500 agro and the warrior durning that 8 secs only generated 800 agro, once fade is complete the priest will regain agro with 1995 to the tanks 1800. So the proper way to fade is; 1. Wait untill your get agro, fade and stop casting unless absolutly necessary. 2. When Nef or Ony type trank transitions occur where the tank needs to (re)establish agro mid fight. If you fade whenever active, the preist could still genrate too much agro while in the fade effect and will not have a way to reduce threat (except death) for the next 22 seconds. The BA targets a random party member (anyone in combat in BWL during the fight) and every so often (every 2nd or 3rd BA I forget) it targets the player currently with agro (aka the tank if we are winning).
  13. Crow

    The Dumb Table

    Didn't he try to blame it on a shaman casting lightning shield?
  14. Crow

    The Dumb Table

    Running an instance in shadow form is fine as log as you have improved Vamperic Embrace and gear. Top Two on my list. When a raid leader that doesn't know what they are doing asks priests to "fade when ever it is up". This usually comes from a hunter or rogue that thinks fade works like Feign Death or vanish. When ZG 1st came out there was a shaman in the group that never purchased any poison/disease cleansing abilities because he was saving for his epic mount. This is not to be confused with the warlock on Garr that didn't know he had a banish elemental spell. Oh wait I forgot about the time Tal and I were trying to lead a ZG raid where more than one of the healers didn't know what the "Raid Window" was.
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