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Everything posted by Tyressa

  1. Tyressa


    Akira you should make one too, your lackingness of sigs is depressing =(
  2. Tyressa


    defintely /sarcasm
  3. Tyressa


    congrats on being cool lyssa, and soma you're just jealous
  4. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    my pets all have pretty lame name, woops I have the same font as you, gotta change it again.
  5. Tyressa


    Yeah I'm going too, I'm in the process of leveling a warlock named happycoil!
  6. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    http://www.warcraftrealms.com/census.php?s...&servertypeid=2 if i follow this I should finish my warlock. But I don't want to be accused of playing an overpowered class >.> or I could make a dwarf hunter and name him gatman and his pet robin but my warlock has the best name ever. "happycoil"
  7. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    wow im so lost on what enigami means and what morgause means about being blinded >.> had to add one to blind you... =O
  8. Tyressa


    I love your sig GG!
  9. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    thats awesome, I rerolled horde before summer and play a troll hunter. Although, I want to come back to skullcrusher because there are so many more people I know >.>. Just can't decide on what class to make, leveling another hunter to 60 just doesn't seem worth it, I've got a rogue warrior hunter and warlock a good way to 60 on SC I just can't seem to pick one.
  10. Tyressa

    Oh My Lord...

    hykos is spam posting
  11. Tyressa

    Oh My Lord...

    Blood Knight
  12. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    GG do you still play?
  13. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    omg GG HI! naked ones are for medan only, sorry stang
  14. Go Steelers!
  15. no fair 4 general chatzorz
  16. www.div.youaremighty.com a proper tribute
  17. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    Hi, my name is Dan and im stangmeisters husband! http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/5928/panamank0.jpg well not really, but I wanna be part of the <3 =( for all the people who don't know I am tyressa oldest skool priest in vind twice wow quitted. some of you may have seen me on dumame for the last couple of raids. Dumame is not my toon and the real player is a jackass so plz dont associate me with him.
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