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Everything posted by Tyressa

  1. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    I'm now playing aquafina UD mage on Tortheldrin
  2. Tyressa

    The Dumb Table

    yeah and once fade fades the threat goes right back up
  3. Tyressa

    The Dumb Table

    in your level 7-8 you made a level 1-2 mistake. Never soulstone the mainhealer as they are one of the first people to die. better off soulstoning a pally when one is available.
  4. Sorry I've been not trolling the past few weeks, having 7 finals means studying is consuming most of my free time. I am going home and won't be back until january 9th, so since I won't be around Merry Xmas everyone and see you in the new year! Tyr
  5. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    ive wiped raids on purpose for lesser canada bashes
  6. Words I didnt understand exerpt, synopsis, accentos, bona fide, bienvenidos, hermosa, Que estás haciendo, wooing,bruto, courting, distraught, heifer, debonaire.
  7. you think you're simple, when trying to do basic english smoke comes out of my ears. I still can't quite figure out what an adjective is >.>
  8. how do I report it to be stickied? step by step please, my uptake goes downhill.
  9. my grade 5 teacher was a guy, although my grade 5 french teacher was zomg milf for sure. Sure she was like in her 30's but id still hit it.
  10. if I could go back in time I'd hit up my grade 3 teacher
  11. Tyressa


    when I talk to Div I have too strong an urge to yell out my never ending love
  12. zomg so bored
  13. Tyressa


    Zomg, I'd post on the vind forums non stop, but div keeps locking the threads where I talk to myself.
  14. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    I am in the army, canadian, not american. whoo go us!
  15. W T F?
  16. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    I have a high combat rifle proficiency, come near me if you dare. Mwahaha
  17. Lemontree.... I HATE YOU!!!!!!
  18. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    Good thing there are no airports near where I live, you can only find me by dog sleigh!
  19. thanks, though, it's not mine
  20. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    oh em gee >.>
  21. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    im safe in Canada.
  22. I couldn't agree more. REAL MEN WEAR PINK http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/3008/panamanq5.jpg
  23. Tyressa


    for those of you who haven't seen this yet http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3116/drivevx5.png
  24. Tyressa

    I'm here!

    Yeah, I'll try to remember
  25. Tyressa

    Oh My Lord...

    Not a chance
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