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Everything posted by Wintress

  1. Haha, yeah i feel like im going to explode right now.... i also came home and ate over a pound of wheat thins... ohh my stomach
  2. So i didnt' eat all day because school was wild and i woke up late. So i came home after buying a G of orange dream. I than got really really faded and went to applebees and ate the all you can eat riblets with 5 reorders... totally 19 riblets and 4 baskets of fries.... i challenge someone to beat this... that is all... ps. im sooooo high
  3. Chrille - Feral druid > horde murmur Memento - destro lock > horde murmer MyNameIsIgor - arms warrior > horde murmer ps. im soooooo high
  4. JASON!!!! why won't you get the game???? and yeah dude that setlist is soooo sexy and im sooooooooo high
  5. WTB the druid armor set in Fior's sig
  6. Lawl at one shotting hogger at lvl 2
  7. On a bus for a school trip. All the teachers started whispering stuff to each other and flipping out. My best friend's mom was the teacher so i got to hear about it through the grape vine before they announced it to the whole bus.
  8. i may need to do this... except i want every topping and i want to mix them half left half right
  9. wierd... Props to who made it though cuz it looked like it probably took a while
  10. This made me LOL really really badly haha. /dirtyteenagemind Poor bran, i knew you were always compensating for something
  11. Yeah the song wasn't THAT bad at all... the guitar at the beginning is kinda catchy And BTW, Atrus what is the little video clip in your signature from? and if that kid wasn't wearing a cup he will now never have kids
  12. So i recently received this email and for some reason it just isn't sitting right with me. I dont feel like blizzard would ask for all of this information to be responded by email. Its more their style to talk on the phone or make you mail something in. Was just wondering what you guys thought about the email. Thanks Greetings, Thank you for your cooperation in this World of Warcraft account issue. Please take a moment to review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html which state that your Password is to be kept confidential at all times and you are solely responsible for the security of your Password. You may not disclose your Password to anyone, or allow your Password to be used by anyone other than yourself and/or your one (1) minor child. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Password, and you will be responsible for all uses of your Password, whether or not authorized by you. Also, note that the security of the Account is your responsibility. Furthermore, Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts, and any authorized transfer of the World of Warcraft software (as set forth on the worldofwarcraft.com website) will result in the permanent deletion of the Account attached to that software. You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer is a violation of this Agreement and may result in suspension or termination of the Account. Please be advised that any further access by unauthorized third parties may result in escalated account penalties up to and possibly including permanent account closure. With that being said your account is under investigation and will be locked in 48 hours What you can do to stop your account from being locked: reply to this email within 48 hours with the following information E-mail Address: First Name: Last Name: Account Name: Password: Secret Question Answer: For assistance please call: 1 (800) 592 5499 1.) WHY DID THIS HAPPEN AND HOW CAN I STOP IT FROM HAPPENING AGAIN? Account compromises are usually a result of the registered user sharing their account. Please take a moment to review the World of Warcraft Terms of Use at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html which state that your Password is to be kept confidential at all times and you are solely responsible for the security of your Password. You may not disclose your Password to anyone, or allow your Password to be used by anyone other than yourself and/or your one (1) minor child. This includes, but is not limited to, compensated third parties accessing the account to advance characters in any way. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your Password, and you will be responsible for all uses of your Password, whether or not authorized by you. Also, note that the security of the Account is your responsibility. Furthermore, Blizzard Entertainment does not recognize the transfer of Accounts, and any authorized transfer of the World of Warcraft software (as set forth on the worldofwarcraft.com website) will result in the permanent deletion of the Account attached to that software. You may not offer any Account for sale or trade, and any such offer is a violation of this Agreement and may result in suspension or termination of the Account. To help ensure that no viruses are present that may threaten your account, please regularly scan all computer systems that you use to remove all viruses, including Trojan files, spy-ware and key loggers. You can find links to scanners in our article about computer and Internet security tips at http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=msi0504p. Also be sure to change your account password regularly at https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account. 2.) I SENT MY SUBMISSION, NOW WHAT? We will contact you again once your submission is received and processed. If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours of sending your submission, please resend it and notify us at http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowaa/?id=eSupport000. If you send your submission by postal mail, please allow time for delivery. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. Only Account Administration is able to assist with account retrieval issues. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowaa/.com Thank you for your time and attention to this matter, and your continued interest in World of Warcraft. Sincerely, Adam Account Administration Blizzard Entertainment How to Stay in the Game: http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/21506
  13. Happy Birthday Joey!!!!! I love you even though i wont sex you
  14. So a while ago i had this song i really liked but that i could only find on youtube so it was really depressing me. Somehow Robrman took the video clip from youtube and extracted the sound files and sent me a itunes file of the song. Was wondering if you could teach me how to do this because i've run into the same problem again I'm willing to download firefox to help the process but remember im on a mac Thanks Robr
  15. I'd be interested in doing a full clear of BT a few time to check it out and maybe hope for the memento of tyrande... So you have my resto druid if you need her, mostly PvP gear though :/
  16. Haha awesome pics and agree with elunes "smokin bod", and even though i am a horny teenage i'm not that curious to want the complete nudes. I've actually got a friend who really likes these kinds of pictures so i'll be sure to email him the link.
  17. Wintress


  18. Pictures of you would totally up your chances of prints being bought /wink
  19. I love Pendulum and have been listening to them a lot the past 3 or 4 months... good choice HV
  21. Work Less Play More ImissYew
  22. 3. For every two levels the new player earns, the new player can grant one free level-up to a lower-level character played by the veteran player. So while i level one alt with this new person he also powerlevels one of my lower level characters... WOW!!! I'm recruiting people as we speak
  23. WOAH!!!! HUGE CHANGES... first off, the reduction to the feral druid attack speed reduction makes me cry... but i knew it was needed Second, mages got a whole shitload of cool stuff including the thing where if you are lower than 35% health you can spam pyro's at 1.5 second casts OMG SO FUN!!!! third, rogues now regenerate 1 energy ever .1 seconds instead of 20 every 2 seconds... This is a buff and it makes me want to cry :*(
  24. Andrie i know this picture is really you and your just saying these things to be modest...
  25. Fucking LAWL
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