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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Feanore


    Collaborative writting ftw =D
  2. So that explains why he'll be chatting away in vent and suddenly go quiet for minutes at a time
  3. QFT Nothing like knocking people off the bridge and watching them plumet to their deaths
  4. Heheh. Ditto
  5. Having a father like that drove the poor child to drink early in life: http://members.tripod.com/~ahalim76/drunkbaby.gif
  6. Just trying to be helpful. Jerk
  7. So, to date, decursive still seems to be having issues. I poked around and found a few potential alternatives. WARNING: I haven't tested these yet, just providing the links so you guys can check em out. I'll get back to you w/ my fave after I've had a chance to fiddle. Side note: The new /mouseover options look like they could be very useful w/ macros =) 'Hover' debuff/decurse macro: http://members.cox.net/bren327/macro.htm 'Smart Buff' (and debuff/decurse): http://ui.worldofwar.net/ui.php?id=2323 GL kiddies and cya next raid. EDIT: Here's what decursive's author has to say about the new lua code and decursive's future: http://www.2072productions.com/?to=decursive.php
  8. *sneaks in and redirects donate button to his paypal account* Cash is kinda tight right now, but I'll probably be able to make a donation sometime around the 1st of jan.
  9. WTF RU saying you n00b! There's nothing wrong w/ us guys dammit! QQ emo boy ...Er, anybody got a valium
  10. At least you didn't say 'GEE EL, H EF'...
  11. Feanore

    Raptor Jesus

    Weekend bonus ftw =P Oh, and just to keep the balance between good and evil, I give you... SATAN BUNNY: http://lonestartimes.com/images/2006/08/Grumpy%20Bunny.JPG
  12. Glad they changed the rogue helm...Looks much better, but in general I still find myself wondering when WoW became tron =P P.s.- Did anybody happen to notice the druid shots were taken in the emerald dream? l33t =D
  13. lol, thats been every patch since the beginning of, well, WoW QFT What's really frustrating is my background downloader reported that I had downloaded all 468 megs yesterday (took a week ), but when I look in my WoW folder I see...NOTHING
  14. Feanore


    Well...this guy seems excited http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h190/Eomiir/WoW/omglvl40mount.jpg Feel better?
  15. Feanore


    Lol! Wait! Didn't I /yiff Eyeless in Silithus last week?...
  16. Me too...But god damn! That's a great title
  17. Heheh...I'm so slow to respond some times =P You trained horses Fiord? When and why did you stop?
  18. Lol indeed and <AFK> autoshot, zomg! This made my morning! Thanks Ben!
  19. Feanore


    Pwnt? And nice sig there HV =P
  20. The irony here being that Linux is, in fact, far less susceptible to bot attacks if built and maintained well...'3rd party' and 'unsupported' aside claims by Blizz aside, that's just crap >.<
  21. Feanore

    Oh My Lord...

    OH RLY? o.0 YA RLY -.-
  22. Dazed and Confused?...Been a while so maybe I got the wrong movie, but I think that's the line.
  23. Zomg! Slash really *has* gone full pally
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