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Everything posted by Aisling

  1. Aisling


    One of my friends spoke to him the other day. Cruel joke. =(
  2. It looks more than it actually is 'cause it squashed up with the original compression when trying to send to tranius. 1440x900 resolution, it actually looks pretty sparce D:
  3. m-m-m-m-m-monster-kill!
  4. I'd link to the omen.zip file, that usually tends to be the most recently-updated version when displayed with a versioning scheme like this ^^ Other than that, hoping it works since other ace2 mods (cycircled, I'm looking at you!) don't seem to like me.
  5. First off: 32 or 64 bit version of windows? I know this was an issue in xp64, not sure about vista but it's an easy start for me
  6. Aisling


    j'adore les chats.
  7. Or are they? So, I finally finished a couple of the sewing projects I've been verbally spewing about the past week and a bit. Set is now cuddly! woowoo! http://i135.photobucket.com/albums/q149/emmstah/IMAG0004.jpg
  8. Wins!
  9. http://www.onlinestudybible.com/bible2.gif
  10. http://www.thevo.net/assets/babelfish.jpg
  11. puncture repair kit ftw
  12. http://www.bestboots.co.uk/RepairKit.JPG
  13. http://www.webdesign.org/img_articles/8636/mod-car-tyre-001.gif
  14. finefine, I pwn the macromedia flash letter f with.... http://www.bioquip.com/prod_images/9193-002-The%20Letter%20'G'.jpg the letter G!
  15. I actually wonder if that counts Adobe did buy out Macromedia.... so it's now adobe flash x.x
  16. http://www.heileuro.com/pic/flash-player-required.jpg One pic, Twice the pwnage!
  17. http://www.gothamist.com/attachments/jen/2007_02_britneybald.jpg
  18. http://www.stardetox.com/uploads1/detox/detox_kit_over200_1.jpg detox! stat!
  19. Aisling


    If this comes out - send food, drink and water. especially if it supports lego technic.
  20. Zelda is fabulous on the wii, although I'm still partial to the original gameboy version (not four swords).
  21. Aisling

    Installation Woes

    I feel your pain. Having now got a cdkey thanks to Gynis (<3) only to find I downloaded the EU client - not compatible. arrgh
  22. Aisling


    <3 /love
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